Receive AS400 file to windows

  • Don Urquhart (2/7/2012)

    I'm assuming from the .XYZ file extension that the file is on the IFS file system not the native file system as there is no extension on the native.

    To FTP a file from the system you can use something the following from a DOS command window The parts in bold are what you enter, italics are parts you need to specify for your environment. The rest is FTP prompts/responses:

    C:\>ftp systemname

    Connected to systemname.domain.lcl.

    220-QTCP at systemname.domain.LCL.

    220 Connection will close if idle more than 5 minutes.

    User (systemname.domain.LCL:(none)): username

    331 Enter password.


    230 username logged on.

    ftp> NAMEFMT 1

    ftp> cd /somedir/otherdir

    250-NAMEFMT set to 1.

    250 "somedir/otherdir" is current directory.

    ftp> lcd c:\localfolder

    Local directory now C:\localfolder.

    ftp> get

    200 PORT subcommand request successful.

    150 Retrieving file /

    226 File transfer completed successfully.


    If this is something you do all the time the commands can be entered to an input file to the FTP command.

    Depending on the source/destination file format required you may also need to enter the command bin before doing the get command.

    The other option you have is to get the source folder in the IFS shared out to allow mapping a drive letter to the shared folder and using Explorer (or a batch file with map & copy commands) to retrieve the file.

    YOu are getting my question wrong.... I can understand, the use of CMD makes FTP downloding to work.

    But want to see whats going on with FTP SSIS task and why I am not able to get it working.

    Plz let me know, if I made u understand my question clear..

  • To send your spool file as an email attachment.

    I do not use the nasty AS400 GUI to get my information, I use other tools but:

    From the Main Menu navigate by pressing the number on your menu and pressing enter to the spool file manager screen (assuming that this your file, if not you need the user who generated the file to do this)

    Scroll down to the file, place a "T" next to it and press enter

    Press enter again and a screen should be displayed that list your email, make any corrections if necessary and press enter for the file to be emailed to you (or the owner of the spool file)

    If this does not work ask someone who is technically savvy with the AS400.

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  • quillis131 (2/6/2012)

    I have no idea, how and why this file, generated on AS400 ( as need not know this stuff, I believe ).

    I disagree, with your statement that you do need to know "this stuff".

    Where did you see the file?

    If you don't know why the file is generated why do you need it?

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  • So are you saying that you can, either manually or with a desktop app like CuteFTP, connect to the AS400 in question and download the file to your PC, but can't get the FTP component in SSIS to work?

    First, try to download it using CuteFTP (search Google for the download) and see if you're successful. If not, work with the AS400 folk to figure out why. If successful, do the same thing from the server where you're running the SSIS package, and so on until you reach the failure point.

    Start disecting the problem into its components and troubleshoot each step.

  • The AS400 also has the ability to act like a Windows server if the AS400 Admin sets it up. I would look to your AS400 admin to see if this option is available. It used to be called NetServer but may have a different name now. You could then have the AS400 Admin setup a CL job to copy the file to the location on the AS400 where the NetServer shows "shares" the file.

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