Rebuild Statistics and Reindex General network error

  • Hello: Once a week we run a job to rebuild statistics and re-index the entire database. Last week we migrated the drives from raid 5 to raid 10. Since then we have been getting an error on this job.

    The error is:

    ConnectionRead (recv()). [SQLSTATE 01000]

    Msg 11, Sev 16: General network error. Check your network documentation. [SQLSTATE 08S01]

    The steps we are running are:

    EXECUTE sp_updatestats

    EXECUTE sp_createstats


    @table_name VARCHAR(255),

    @stmt VARCHAR(255)

    DECLARE replace_four CURSOR FOR

    SELECT [name] FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'U'

    OPEN replace_four

    FETCH NEXT FROM replace_four INTO


    WHILE (@@fetch_status = 0)


    DBCC DBREINDEX (@table_name)

    FETCH NEXT FROM replace_four INTO



    CLOSE replace_four

    DEALLOCATE replace_four

    There are no errors in the server log and this message is in the output file of the T-Sql.

    Can anyone clue me in how I should debug this error?

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