Reboot Required after Multiple Instance Installs....Any suggestions on ways around this?

  • We have dedicated SQL Servers that have multiple instances of SQL 2K and a default SQL 7 instance.  Once one of the SQL 2K instances is patched with SP3 it seems that any new instance that has to be installed requires either a reboot or to stop all SQL Server Services.  Usually it only requires a single reboot after the instance and SP3 have been installed, but occasionally it wants a reboot after each.  This is not much of a problem on Sandbox and Dev servers but when we move into Production we often have databases that do not allow much downtime and this becomes a problem.

    We looked into installing multiple instances and then renaming them but MS does not support renaming SQL Server instances. 

    Does anyone know of any setting that may be able to keep this from needing a reboot?  Or any suggestions on ways to minimize this?

    Any information or Suggestions would be appreciated.



  • Sorry no help. One reason why I stay away from instances....

  • I have not seen Yukon at this point.  Does anyone know if they are changing the way instances are handled in that release?  I do not understand why they do not have it where you can create a new instance from the initial install without having to actually reinstall the code.


  • I have not seen anything released as far as Yukon and instances.... I would have thought though if it was a big improvement that it would have been mentioned.... I guess we will have to see.

    It would be nice to have a server running a DEV and Test environments with seperate instances but most time the reason we have them seperated is so neither effects the other.... and you wouldn't apply a service pack to both at the same time....  They've got to address this... at least I hope. More and more changes are supposed to be on the fly changes without stopping and starting SQL Server with Yukon...

  • Yep, had the same experience here, think its more related to mdac than anything else.

    I can say that post sp3a eg MS03-031 and QFE's seem to install ok without compromising every other instance. Watch out for sql a instance running a MOM database, need to shut the MOM service down before patching.

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