Really stuck with an SQL query

  • I am trying to create a database in MS Access, and am completely stuck at one point. It would really be appreciated if anyone could help:

    Basically a tenant has multiple "requirements", which are just attributes that they need.

    A building has "buildingAttributes", which are attributes that a building has.

    For a specific tenant, I want to be able to list the buildingIDs that meet the tenants requirements.

    It keeps feeling like i'm 90% of the way there, but it keeps failing to work .

    Section of entity relationship diagram relevent to problem is here:

    My current thinking is something along the lines of:

    SELECT B1.BuildingID FROM Building B1



    SELECT R3.AttributeID

    FROM Tenant AS T3 INNER JOIN Requirements AS R3 ON T3.TenantID=R3.TenantID

    WHERE (R3.TenantID=[enter TenantID])




    SELECT BA2.AttributeID

    FROM Building AS B2 INNER JOIN BuildingAttribute AS BA2 ON B2.BuildingID=BA2.BuildingID

    WHERE (B2.BuildingID=B1.BuildingID)


    Although as I'm sure you can tell, I am somewhat an SQL novice.

    Thanks in advance, Andrew.

  • Shouldn't the Building table appear in the second Select clause too?

  • Maybe:

    DECLARE @TenantID int

    SET @TenantID = 1 -- ID for Tenant

    SELECT B.*

    FROM Building B

        JOIN (

                SELECT BA1.BuildingID, COUNT(*) AS MatchingAttributes

                FROM Requirements R1

                    JOIN BuildingAttribute BA1

                        ON R1.AttributeID = BA1.AttributeID

                            AND R1.TenantID = @TenantID

                GROUP BY BA1.BuildingID

            ) D1

            ON B.BuildingID = D1.BuildingID

        JOIN (

                SELECT COUNT(*) AS TenantAtttributes

                FROM Requirements R2

                WHERE TenantID = @TenantID

            ) D2

            ON D1.MatchingAttributes = D2.TenantAtttributes


  • Andrew, seeing as this is MS Access why not just use the query builder

    I simplified the columns provided for the tables in this demo, but it will return the answers you are looking for (this is based on the ERD provided:

    place this into a query using the SQL view and switch to design view to show the graphical representation of the query

    SELECT Tenant.TenantID, Tenant.TenantName, Building.BuildingName, Building.BuildingAddress1

    FROM Building INNER JOIN ((Tenant INNER JOIN Requirements ON Tenant.TenantID = Requirements.TenantID) INNER JOIN BuildingAttribute ON Requirements.AttributeID = BuildingAttribute.AttributeID) ON Building.BuildingID = BuildingAttribute.BuildingID

    WHERE (((Tenant.TenantID)=[Enter ID]));

    The MS Access SQL syntax does not match SQL Server exactly, but it's pretty close ... to allow you then to upgrade to a stored procedure or view if necessary

    You didn't say if you were using MS Access as a data project or a JET database, the example I have provided is for a JET database but would not take much modification for SQL Server, mostly, the MS Access method of accepting parameters

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