Real-time Replication

  • I have a production server (SQL 7) that is used for an application in our imaging department. The application is mission-critical, so we are exploring ways of having a replicated backup server that is always ready to go should the first one fail. I've been doing a little reading and it seems like transactional replication might be the way to go if I want an exact copy that is always up-to-date.

    Any thoughts? Pitfalls? Etc? I'm a total newbie so this is all new to me. I'd also appreciate any pointers to where I might find more info on doing something like this.

  • Typical latencies are 1-3 seconds unless the box is heavily loaded - and that could be either the publisher or subscriber. Nothing wrong with transactional replication, but you probably want to look at both log shipping and clustering, or some combination of the three.


  • Should I be looking at any third-party products to make this easier, or is everything I need built into SQL server?

  • Pretty much everything is in the box. Log shipping only comes with Enterprise edition, but there are scripts for SQL7 that would do the same thing for you.


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