real newie on derived columns

  • How can you use a derived column, derived from a case statetment for a test in a join statement in the "on" statement?




    case when table2.some_column = '187' then '95' else '01' end as "derived.col"

    case when table2.some_column = '197' then '93' else '01' end as "derived.col"






    "derived.col" = table1.someother_column


  • You can't really join on a derived column because the join happens before the column is derived.  But, if I understand your question correctly this should work:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table1] (

     [someother_column] [varchar] (3) ,

     [some_column] [varchar] (3) 

    ) GO

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table2] (

     [some_column] [varchar] (3) 

    ) GO

    insert into table1 select '95','a'
    insert into table1 select '93','b'
    insert into table1 select '01','c'
    insert into table2 select '187'
    insert into table2 select '197'
    insert into table2 select '100'
    insert into table2 select '50'
    insert into table2 select '75'
    --doesn't use the "inner join" syntax
    select t1.some_column,  t1.someother_column "derived.col"
    from table1 t1, table2 t2

    where t1.someother_column = case t2.some_column when '187' then '95'

                 when '197' then '93' else '01' end
    some_column derived.col

    ----------- -----------

    a                   95

    b                   93

    c                   01

    c                   01

    c                   01

    But if you are going to have lots of possibilities in your case statement, it would make more sense to add table3 to avoid hard coding:
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table3] (

     [t1] [varchar] (3) ,

     [t2] [varchar] (3) 



    insert into Table3 select '95','187'
    insert into Table3 select '93','197'
    select t1.some_column, [derived.col]

    from table1 t1 join (select case when t1 is null then '01' else t1 end  

           [derived.col] from table2 left join table3  on some_column = t2) t2

    on t1.someother_column = t2.[derived.col]

    -- results
    some_column derived.col

    ----------- -----------

    a                    95

    b                    93

    c                    01

    c                    01

    c                    01





    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • Thank you,

    I am learning: temp tables are good, hard code is bad!

    Thanks again.


  • Hello J M Davis,

    You can also tell SQL to calculate the derived column before the join, by putting the selections for table2 in a sub-select:



        , "derived.col_one"

        , "derived.col_two"

      FROM table1


             case when table2.some_column = '187' then '95' else '01' end as "derived.col_one"

            , case when table2.some_column = '197' then '93' else '01' end as "derived.col_two"

            FROM table2) AS t2

      WHERE t2."derived.col_one" = table1.someother_column



    Bob Monahon

  • You can also place the CASE in the ON clause directly:

    select *

    from #t1 t1

    join #t2 t2

    on t1.col1 = case t2.col2

        when 187

         then 95

        when 197

        then 93

        else 1


    Note, however, that when using CASE, there is the caveat that CASE may only return one, and only one datatype, which means that in above example t1.col1 and t2.col2 along with the 'when/then' arguments in the CASE preferrably should be of the same datatype. If they aren't, there will be an implicit conversion to the datatype with the highets precedence. If implicit conversion cannot be done, there will be an error instead.



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