Reading XML File into a table

  • Hi All,

    When i try to read the attached xml file using the following commands

    DECLARE @XMLDocPointer INT

    EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @XMLDocPointer OUTPUT, 'C:\Export1\med_Form.xml'

    SELECT * FROM OPENXML(@XMLDocPointer,'/med_Form/medFormID',2 )

    I get error

    The XML parse error 0xc00ce556 occurred on line number 1, near the XML text "C:\Export1\Alchemy_Form.xml".

    Msg 6602, Level 16, State 2, Procedure sp_xml_preparedocument, Line 1

    The error description is 'Invalid at the top level of the document.'.

    Can someone help please with that, i need to read all contents of that file into a database table.



  • What SQL Server version do you use?

    It might be easier to do it using XQuery, assuming you use SQL 2005 and up:


    v.value('medFormID[1]','int') AS ID,

    v.value('FormName[1]','varchar(50)') AS FormName

    FROM @xml.nodes('document') T(c)

    CROSS APPLY T.c.nodes('med_Form')U(v)

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  • Thanks very much for your reply.

    I am using SQL 2008 , using your technique i must first read the xml file, should i do that using the sp_xml_preparedocument stored procedure ?.

    Because it seems it's the one causing the previous error.

    Thanks again

  • You could use


    BULK 'c:\SampleFolder\SampleData3.txt',


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  • sp_xml_preparedocument doesn't read a file from disk, it creates a handle to an internal XML document (variable). To read the attached XML file into a variable, see this link[/url], or (rather more simply), follow LutzM's advice and use OPENROWSET().

    DECLARE @XML xml

    SELECT @xml = x.a


    --either query with OPENXML()

    DECLARE @XMLDocPointer INT

    EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @XMLDocPointer OUTPUT, @xml

    SELECT * FROM OPENXML(@XMLDocPointer,N'/document/med_Form/medFormID', 0)

    -- or with XQuery

    SELECTdoc.medFormID.value('.[1]','int') AS ID

    ,doc.medFormID.value('../FormName[1]','varchar(60)') AS FormName

    FROM@xml.nodes('document/med_Form/medFormID') doc(medFormID)

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