Reading trace files in SQL 2000

  • Hi all,

    I would like to write a stored procedure that starts automatically when SQL Server starts, and that logs certain events. I log to a trace file, and I enabled the failover file option:

    EXEC @rc = sp_trace_create @traceid OUTPUT

    ,@options = 2 -- TRACE_FILE_ROLLOVER

    ,@tracefile = @tracefile

    ,@maxfilesize = @maxfilesize

    ,@stoptime = NULL

    Then I want to automatically read those files. This works fine with:

    SELECT *

    FROM ::fn_trace_gettable('D:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Audit\LoginAudit.trc', 1) AS T

    I have written a loop to read all trace files. However, I run into trouble when I reach the last trace file, which is still in use; I get an error:

    Server: Msg 568, Level 16, State 10, Line 1

    Server encountered an error 'D:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Audit\LoginAudit_2.trc'.

    Is there a way that I can first check the 'in use' attribute of this file?

    I don't run SQL 2005 with .net on this box!



  • All,

    This is the solution I implemented. It can probably be done more simple. I have one stored procedure that logs all security events. It runs when the server is started. It creates logfiles for 500 MB and when full starts another one. Then I have this stored procedure that reads them. I avoided the fact that the last one is in use, by simply not reading in the last one if the trace is running;

    CREATE PROCEDURE spd_ImportTraceFiles

    @sTraceFile varchar(4000)-- name of initial trace file


    DECLARE @nTraceFiles int

    DECLARE @sSQL varchar(8000)

    DECLARE @bIsRunning smallint

    DECLARE @sPath varchar(255)

    DECLARE @sFirstFile varchar(255)

    DECLARE @sFileName varchar(255)

    -- get the first import file number & the number of tracefiles

    -- Trace is not running yet, so all files can be read

    EXEC master..xp_sprintf @sSQL OUTPUT, 'DIR "%s*.trc" /OD /B', @sTraceFile

    -- Parse the path where the files exist

    SELECT @sPath = SUBSTRING(@sTraceFile, 1, DATALENGTH(@sTraceFile) - CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(@sTraceFile))) + '\'

    SELECT @sFileName = RIGHT(@sTraceFile,CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(@sTraceFile))-1)


    FROM tempdb..sysobjects

    WHERE ID = OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpFiles'))

    DROP TABLE #tmpFiles

    CREATE TABLE #tmpFiles( f_id int IDENTITY, [filename] varchar(255))

    INSERT #tmpFiles

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @sSQL

    -- read all but the last file

    SELECT @nTraceFiles = COUNT(*)

    FROM #tmpFiles WHERE [filename] LIKE @sFileName + '%'

    -- find out the first file

    SELECT @sFirstFile = @sPath +

    (SELECT [filename]

    FROM #tmpFiles

    INNER JOIN (SELECT MIN(f_id) AS f_id

    FROM #tmpFiles

    WHERE [filename] LIKE @sFileName + '%') [first]

    ON #tmpFiles.f_id = [first].f_id)

    -- Is the trace currently running? Then don't import the last file

    IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM ::fn_trace_getinfo(default)

    WHERE property = 2

    AND value = @sTraceFile)

    SELECT @bIsRunning = 1


    SELECT @bIsRunning = 0

    -- Import the logs

    SELECT @nTraceFiles = @nTraceFiles - @bIsRunning -- substract 1 if running

    IF @nTraceFiles > 0


    INSERT AuditLog

    SELECT *

    FROM ::fn_trace_gettable(@sFirstFile,@nTraceFiles )

    -- delete the log files that where imported

    -- loop through all files to be imported. In @nTraceFiles the last file is substracted if running.



    SELECT [filename]

    FROM #tmpFiles

    WHERE [filename] LIKE @sFileName + '%'

    AND f_id <= @nTraceFiles

    OPEN curFiles

    FETCH NEXT FROM curFiles INTO @sFileName

    WHILE (@@fetch_status -1)


    IF (@@fetch_status -2)


    -- EXEC master..xp_fileexist

    EXEC master..xp_sprintf @sSQL OUTPUT, 'DEL /Q "%s%s"', @sPath, @sFileName

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @sSQL


    FETCH NEXT FROM curFiles INTO @sFileName


    CLOSE curFiles

    DEALLOCATE curFiles


    DROP TABLE #tmpFiles

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