reading images in database

  • The result is quite simple: every image that exists is added to the database for all the other ones we get the message:

    (1 row(s) affected)

    Msg 4860, Level 16, State 1, Line 19

    Cannot bulk load. The file "D:\Mijn Documenten\Documents\DWCoureurLocaleData\Irfanview_26012011\33.jpg" does not exist.

    So I don't quite understand what you are getting at: typical newbie of course.

  • Can you zip me up a couple dozens of the pictures? I'll finish the code for you.

    Th eonly obvious part is that either you have a begin tran / rollback which cancels everything or the code stops after the first error.

  • The wonder has happened: I have got some records in the database!! The problem is as follows:

    In the first 100 counters there are 7 images. Sometimes images occur 3 times and sometimes 2 times: total 17 images where it should be 7.

    To be certain the code:

    USE WielerDatabaseSQL


    DECLARE @counter AS int

    DECLARE @folderpath AS varchar(255)

    DECLARE @fullpath AS varchar(4000)

    DECLARE @shellpath AS varchar(4000)

    DECLARE @shellfullpath AS varchar(4000)

    DECLARE @sqlstring AS nvarchar(4000)

    DECLARE @single_quote varchar(1)

    DECLARE @imagename varchar(255)

    DECLARE @imagenamequoted varchar(255)

    DECLARE @fullpathquoted varchar(255)

    DECLARE @cmd varchar(255)

    SET @single_quote = ''''

    SET @folderpath = 'D:\Mijn Documenten\Documents\DWCoureurLocaleData\Irfanview_26012011'

    SET @shellpath = 'D:\"Mijn Documenten"\Documents\DWCoureurLocaleData\Irfanview_26012011'

    SET @counter = 1

    WHILE @counter <100


    SET @imagename = convert(varchar, @counter) + '.jpg'

    SET @imagenamequoted = @single_quote + @imagename + @single_quote

    SET @fullpath = @folderpath + '\' + @imagename

    SET @shellfullpath = @shellpath + '\' + @imagename

    SET @fullpathquoted = @single_quote + @fullpath + @single_quote

    SET @sqlstring = ''

    SET @sqlstring = @sqlstring + 'INSERT INTO Renner_Foto (ImageID, ImageName, ImageData ) '

    SET @sqlstring = @sqlstring + 'SELECT ' + convert(varchar, @counter) + ' AS ImageID, '

    SET @sqlstring = @sqlstring + @imagenamequoted + ' As ImageName, '

    SET @sqlstring = @sqlstring + 'BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET( Bulk ' + @fullpathquoted + ','

    SET @sqlstring = @sqlstring + ' SINGLE_BLOB) As BLOB '

    -- See if the file exists first then only insert it

    CREATE TABLE #tmp(s varchar(1000))

    SET @cmd = 'dir /B ' + @shellfullpath

    INSERT #tmp EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd

    IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM #tmp WHERE s=@imagename)


    exec sp_executesql @sqlstring


    SELECT 'go to results in textmode' as Outputmode

    SELECT @sqlstring

    DROP TABLE #tmp

    SET @counter = @counter + 1


    Is the .zip still necessary?



  • So you want me to do the work for you and you won't even want to supply to tools I need to test the code? I need a zip file with a couple sample files so I can make your code work for you?

    I'm doing this for free and I'm frankly tired of teaching a complete beginner that should be taking a class rather than having me do the work for him.

    I don't mind helping but this is getting ridiculous.

  • Let's be clear: I appreciate what your doing. But when acting on the newbees site you can expect something like me (perhaps I am the worst ever, but still). The old saying is: stupid questions don't exist, only stupid answers.

    Anyway, I tried to save you some work with sending you some (partly) working code. Not appreciated, I guess.

    The zip file enclosed gives an answer to your request.



  • Thanks for helping me help YOU.

    USE [tempdb]








    CREATE TABLE dbo.Renner_Foto (

    [ImageID] [int] NULL,

    [ImageName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [ImageData] [varbinary](max) NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]




    CREATE TABLE #out (files VARCHAR(500) NULL, InsertCMD

    AS 'INSERT INTO Renner_Foto (ImageID, ImageName, ImageData ) '

    + ' SELECT ' + LEFT(files, PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', files) - 1) + ' AS ImageID, '

    + '''' + files + ''' As ImageName, '

    + 'BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET( Bulk ' + '''D:\Test img\' + files + ''','



    INSERT INTO #out (files)

    EXEC xp_cmdshell 'dir / B /O "D:\Test img\"'

    DELETE FROM #out WHERE files IS NULL OR PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', files) = 0

    --SELECT files, PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', files) AS Period, LEFT(files, PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', files) - 1) As Id, InsertCMD

    --FROM #out

    --WHERE PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', files) <> 0


    DECLARE file_cursor CURSOR







    OPEN file_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM file_cursor INTO @cmd



    PRINT @cmd

    EXEC (@cmd)

    FETCH NEXT FROM file_cursor INTO @cmd


    CLOSE file_cursor

    DEALLOCATE file_cursor

    SELECT * FROM dbo.Renner_Foto

  • Thanks for your code (very, very fast production - that must be a pro): for simplicity I made the same directory as you did (D:\test img\) and its running like the fire brigade :-):-).

    I must say for a newbee is the code a bit complicated, but w'll overcome that of course.

    Thanks again. Having patience with newbees is a necessary virtue as you now by now.



  • hi Robert,

    we all started as to business one thing first... the script i sent works out of the tin...can you create a c:\development_support\images directory and add 10 files in there from 1.jpg to 10.jpg and see what happens...let us isolate first if its a directory naming problem...

  • forget the above post...i caught the post trail on page 5 thinkg it was the last post ...look as if its been fixed...chow for now....

  • r_slot (4/19/2011)

    Thanks for your code (very, very fast production - that must be a pro): for simplicity I made the same directory as you did (D:\test img\) and its running like the fire brigade :-):-).

    I must say for a newbee is the code a bit complicated, but w'll overcome that of course.

    Thanks again. Having patience with newbees is a necessary virtue as you now by now.



    I deliberately put a space in the folder so that you could just copy / paste your own folder info in there. Now that this is working, the only thing that could screw up is permissions to access the files.

    Assuming this is only a one off insert, just move the file to the d: folder and be done with it! :w00t:

    That code is still simple. You just don't understand my thought / debug process. The idea is to get 1 import working, from there on out it's just a loop.

  • Hello Robin,

    To be complete I want to inform you about your code: that code is running too, but I had to make two changes:

    1). Because xp_cmdshell accepts no spaces in a filepath I made two more scalars @shellpath and @shellfullpath with the space-part between "".

    2). When the string is not emptied some images are copied two or three times into the database. So in the bottom I put some code like SET @fullpath=' ', etc.

    After these changes everything works fine, but not as fast as the Ninja solution. To give you an idea: Robin solution 8 seconds, Ninja less then a second with 29 (the same) images.

    Your changed code looks like this:

    USE WielerDatabaseSQL


    IF EXISTS (SELECT ImageID FROM Renner_Foto WHERE ImageID=1)


    DELETE Renner_Foto



    DECLARE @counter AS int

    DECLARE @folderpath AS varchar(255)

    DECLARE @fullpath AS varchar(4000)

    DECLARE @shellpath AS varchar(4000)

    DECLARE @shellfullpath AS varchar(4000)

    DECLARE @sqlstring AS nvarchar(4000)

    DECLARE @single_quote varchar(1)

    DECLARE @imagename varchar(255)

    DECLARE @imagenamequoted varchar(255)

    DECLARE @fullpathquoted varchar(255)

    DECLARE @cmd varchar(255)

    SET @single_quote = ''''

    SET @folderpath = 'D:\Mijn Documenten\Documents\DWCoureurLocaleData\Irfanview_26012011'

    SET @shellpath = 'D:\"Mijn Documenten"\Documents\DWCoureurLocaleData\Irfanview_26012011'

    SET @counter = 1

    WHILE @counter <387


    SET @imagename = convert(varchar, @counter) + '.jpg'

    SET @imagenamequoted = @single_quote + @imagename + @single_quote

    SET @fullpath = @folderpath + '\' + @imagename

    SET @shellfullpath = @shellpath + '\' + @imagename

    SET @fullpathquoted = @single_quote + @fullpath + @single_quote

    SET @sqlstring = ''

    SET @sqlstring = @sqlstring + 'INSERT INTO Renner_Foto (ImageID, ImageName, ImageData ) '

    SET @sqlstring = @sqlstring + 'SELECT ' + convert(varchar, @counter) + ' AS ImageID, '

    SET @sqlstring = @sqlstring + @imagenamequoted + ' As ImageName, '

    SET @sqlstring = @sqlstring + 'BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET( Bulk ' + @fullpathquoted + ','

    SET @sqlstring = @sqlstring + ' SINGLE_BLOB) As BLOB '

    -- See if the file exists first then only insert it

    CREATE TABLE #tmp(s varchar(1000))

    SET @cmd = 'dir /B ' + @shellfullpath

    INSERT #tmp EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd

    IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM #tmp WHERE s=@imagename)


    exec sp_executesql @sqlstring


    --SELECT 'go to results in textmode' as Outputmode

    --SELECT @sqlstring

    SET @fullpath =' '

    SET @fullpathquoted =' '

    SET @shellfullpath =' '

    DROP TABLE #tmp

    SET @counter = @counter + 1


    In either case I want to thank you for your contribution to get this newbee to an acceptable level of operation.



  • Do you have to run that code more than once for the same folder?

    Is there any reason why there's no promary key on the image id column?

  • There should be a primary key, yet to be installed. I am going to produce some improvements, but that has to be decided. Had no time today, tomorrow neither.

    To be continued, but we have several working solutions!



  • Sorry, forgot something. When there are additions/changes, (fi other images for the same ryder), we loop through the same folder. This only happens twice a year, maximum.



  • Ninja's_RGR'us (4/20/2011)

    Do you have to run that code more than once for the same folder?

    Is there any reason why there's no promary key on the image id column?

    That's what I thought, then you need to add if not exists either in the loop. Let me know if you need help with that one.

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