Reading Dyanmic File Names


    Im not sure if this is possible but...

    From Sql Server (DTS or SP) can we read a text file sitting on your C drive.

    The name of the file can change everyday except for part of the file name.


    Day 1 file: abc2005_04_10.txt

    Day 2 file: abc2005_04_11.txt

  • one way of doing this in DTS is though .ini file

    1. create a ini file with following tags



    2. In Dts package create a Activex task with following code.

    Function Main()

     Dim gsConfigINIPath

      gsConfigINIPath = DTSGlobalVariables("gsConfigINIPath").Value

       Dim oPKG

       Set oPKG = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent

       Dim oAssignments

      Dim oAssignment

      'DTSTask_ DTSDynamicPropertiesTask_1 is the task described as the 'Properties From INI File task

       Set oAssignments = oPKG.Tasks"DTSTask_DTSDynamicPropertiesTask_1").CustomTask.Assignments

       For Each oAssignment In oAssignments

          oAssignment.SourceIniFileFileName =gsConfigINIPath




     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    3. create a dynamic properties task where you can set properties for source

    through .ini file name

    and have a usual data transformation task.

    So each day you just have to change the filename in .ini file.


  • This looks really good, but It has to be dynamic. I have to load and leave.

    Thanks for the heads up.

  • I suppose you want load the file into a table. You can do this like this :

    declare @file varchar(1024)

    set @file = '''C:\abc2005_04_10.txt'''

    exec ('bulk insert tempdb.dbo.test from ' + @file )

    Or with a sp :

    create procedure dbo.usp_loadabc


     @file varchar(1024)

    ) as


     exec ('bulk insert tempdb.dbo.test from ''' + @file + '''')



    exec dbo.usp_loadabc 'C:\abc2005_04_10.txt'



  • You Can do something like this using an activex script


    Function Main()

    Dim oPKG

    Set oPKG = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent

     Dim oFSO

     Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

     'vars for date calcs

     dim dt, sdt

     dim dtyr, dtm, dtd

     dim dtlimit



     dim filename

     dt = DTSGlobalVariables("gdtCalendardate")  ' get calendardate from Global variables

      ' construct string of date

      dtyr = cstr(datepart("yyyy", dt))

      dtm = cstr(datepart("m", dt))

      if len(dtm) = 1 then dtm = "0" & dtm

      dtd = cstr(datepart("d", dt))

      if len(dtd) = 1 then dtd = "0" & dtd

      sdt= dtyr & "_" & dtm & "_" & dtd

      filename = DTSGlobalVariables("gsfilePath") & "abc" & sdt & ".dat"

    ' gsfilepath is a dynamic variable which stores the path of the file


      If oFSO.FileExists(Filename) Then

       opkg.connections("textSource").DataSource =  Filename

       exit do

      end if

    'textsource is connection to the file


    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function






  • I assume your file is always abcYYYY_MM_DD.txt - in which case use an ActiveX script as first step in the DTS job to make up the file name (you can use "Date" function to get the date and Month,YEar and Day functions to get the parts of date you need then build up the format of file name you have from this)) and store it to a global variable then use a Dynamic Properties task to set the connection datasource for the text file to use this file name rather than one it was designed with

  • thanks for all the info....I think Meghana's script can help alot.



  • Hi,

    You may already have your solution. But, if you can get the

    abc-2004-04-10.txt  in a folder by itself you could just copy it to a file with a

    static name of your choosing each day.  copy *.txt  SameNameEveryDay.txt




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