Re : Visibility and Toggling

  • I have a report with 3 parameters which depend on each other


    2. Region

    3. Sales Office.

    Division and region are Groups and Sales Office is in the detail row

    They all have an "All" option .My concern is when I preview the report I should be able to see all the details i.e. with all of them expanded till the Sales Office level. { i.e. when these parameters are ALL ALL ALL}.

    And also when I select a particular Division with Region ---ALL and Sales Ofiice ---- as ALL,then also I should be able to see all details expanded { with - sign }.

    Similarly if I select a particular Division and a particular Region (in that division) with Sales Office as ALL , it should open with all details expanded.

    Iam really confused about the Visibility of group (when I say Edit group) and Visibility in the group properties that are in bottom right corner.

    can any one please let me know the differences between these Visibility propeties and the Toggle properties.

  • It sounds to me lik you shouldn't be using visibility and toggle at all.

    Visibility: The purpose is to hide information that you don't want to see now, or don't want to see ever.

    Toggle: If your visibility option is that you don't want to see it now, but might want to see it at some point, you can use the toggle option.

    In your example, you could set the visibility of Region to be Hidden (Hidden=True) and the visibility of Office to be hidden (Hidden=True). You could then set a toggle field against Region to be Division and toggle field against Office to be region.

    This means that by default the report will only show you the Divisions, and there will be a little plus sign next to the division, when clicked this will open up the drill down into Regions for that division, and each region will have a plus sign next to it, when clicked this will open up offices for that region.


    Your requirement is slightly more than this, because you have certain regions, offices that should never apear if they are not selected in the parameter.

    In this case you should use the parameter value inside the SQL Query so that it does not return that data into the

    WHERE SalesOrders.Division = @Division

    AND SalesOrders.Region = @Region

    AND SalesOrders.Office = @office

    In the above example, @Division refers to the parameter name for division and so on.

    Good luck.

    Nigel West

  • Hi ,

    Thanks a lot.I understand what you are telling .I have 3 parameter dropdowns for Division, Region , SalesOffice. And the report should look something like this if the default ALL is selected for all the 3 parameters.A minus sign should appear against Division and Region


    - Region1









    SalesOffice 2




    -Division 3

    -Region 1


    And even if I select a particular Division or a particular Region Or SO the report should be expanded only, like







    Can you please suugest me something for this.

  • This is a standard combination of Visibility/Toggle.

    The thing to remember with the toggle is that the only symbol SSRS uses is a + sign, it does not give you a - sign as a default (it only changes to a minus sign once the toggle has been used). So, if you start with the report fully expanded as you suggest, the collapsing symbol will be a + which will make no sense.

    My advice therefore would be to start with the report fully collapsed.

    For this you should:

    Select the properties of the Region group, go to visibility, set Hidden to True.

    Select the properties of the Details group, go to visibility, set Hidden to True.

    This, without any others settings will simply hide all of that information, and you won't be able to expand it.


    Select the properties of the Region group, go to visibility, go to the Toggle option and drop down the list and select the Textbox reference that is the holder of the Division field in group 1 (you can find the text box reference by clicking on the division box then going to properties, it is the NAME).

    Do the same with the details section, but the toggle option for this should be the textbox reference for the Region field.

    All of the above can be done whether you do anything with the SQL Query or not.

    Nigel West

  • It is possible to change the initial toggle (the +/- sign) of an item by looking at the textbox properties of the textbox where the toggling will take place. Under the Visibility tab you can select Expanded (-), Collapsed (+), or Expression:

  • thank you jpwagoner....I needed that one!

  • jpwagoner...that must be a new feature in SSRS 2008. I don't see it in 2005.

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