RE: SP3a unattended installation

  • Does anyone have any experience with SQL2K SP3a unattenede installation? I followed MS procedure, and it just didn't work.


  • Default Instance installation : setup.exe /qn /i sqlrun01.msi /l*v c:\msde2000_setup.log

    Named Instance Installation : setup.exe /qn /i sqlrun02.msi INSTANCENAME="MYMSDE" /l*v c:\msde2000_setup.log

  • What kind of problems are you having? It's been a while, but I installed SP3a on dozens of servers with unattended installs.

  • Is it for MSDE or not? cause I need to install SP3a on SQL server?

    I bascily tried the command from MS without luck.

    start /wait x86\setup\setupsql.exe -s -m -f1 "sql2kdef.iss"

  • I must look into other question regarding to MSDE and post reply here. Sorry for that.

  • I ran using the bat file, which has slightly different parameters. I believe the line is

    start /wait x86\setup\setupsql.exe -s -m -SMS -f1 "sql2kdef.iis"

    Also, are you running while logged onto the server with a Windows account that has sa rights?

    What are you getting in your setup log?

  • I used a local admin account to run that bat file, which is sa by default. Also, since I don't have SMS, so I took the -SMS off command line.

    Thanks again.

  • quote:

    Also, since I don't have SMS, so I took the -SMS off command line.

    I'm not sure what you mean when you say you don't have SMS. The -SMS option is used in conjunction with the start/wait command. It returns control to the command prompt only after setup finishes.

  • I doubt "-SMS' here referring to SMS server. According to sp3 readme, The file Sms2kdef.bat is a batch file that starts an unattended setup using Systems Management Server. The command line looks like (start /wait x86\setup\setupsql.exe k=SMS -s -m -SMS -f1 "sql2kdef.iss").

    Type setupsql.exe /? in command prompt will give you explaination of '-SMS'.

  • I tried it again with -sms, however, it still didn't work.

    Thanks again for your time.

  • You should have a setup log. I don't remember exactly where it puts it, possibly in the Winnt or System32 directory. I believe it has a .log extension, so if you search by date, you should find it.

    What are the contents of the log file?

  • sqlspN.log in c:\winnt directory. N is the number.

  • I didn't see any errors in that log

    file. Here is the last portion of it, which might give you some clues? Thanks.

    14:35:33 Begin: SdShowSp3WrngDlg

    14:35:33 C:\SQL2KS~1\x86\BINN\osql.exe -Slpc:WTEATDBBOS01 -n -d master -o "C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\sqlsp.out" -Q"Exit(declare @ret int if (select count(*) from msdb.dbo.systargetservers) = 0 Set @ret=0 else Set @ret=403 Select @ret)" -E

    14:35:33 Process Exit Code: (0)

    14:35:47 Action Exit Handler:

    14:35:49 Begin Action : LogEvent

    14:35:49 Could not report an event : [6]

    14:35:49 End Action : LogEvent

    14:35:49 Begin Action : CloseEventLog

    14:35:49 Could not de-register the event source : [6]

    14:35:49 End Action : CloseEventLog

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