Re-Indexing on the Production server

  • We have job that runs at the end of the week and do the Re-IndxIng .this Week,this job failed on a specific table.

    and here is error message:"A floating point exception occurred in the user process. Current transaction is canceled."

    I tried to run this job manually and again it that table we have 8 column which their data type is float.and previously we have had this problem.We had corrupted data,which generally the currpted data was in the format of "-1.#" in float columns,but this time I could not find them,Is there a way that I can find those currupted records and fix them.Because this job is extremly critical for us.

  • Here is a similar issue that was resolved using DBCC CheckDB with Repair_Fast.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Thanks a lot for your reply.but here is the job that I was running and I was facing with problem.

    Instead of this job when I run

    DBCC CheckDB 'Order'

    exec AdminDBReindex 'Order'

    (Which the logic is the same as job ,excepts the SQL statments are not created dynamically)

    I do not face any problem and there is not any error message.I was wondering why .If there is any problem in Tables Index structure,I should recieve error message again.


    declare @dbname varchar(100)

    declare @checkdb varchar(100)

    declare @logevent varchar(150)

    --This creates a temporary table which has the list of current databases in a SQL server

    Create table #dblist

    (Dbname varchar(100) null,

    dbsize int null,

    remarks varchar(255) null)

    insert into #dblist

    exec sp_databases

    --Starts the cursor

    declare dbnamecursor cursor for

    select dbname from #dblist

    where dbname not in ('tempdb','model','Sales','ArchiveTempDB','LogChangedData')

    open dbnamecursor

    fetch next from dbnamecursor into @dbname

    while @@fetch_status=0


    --performs the dbcc checkdb statement on the databases

    set @checkdb='dbcc checkdb ('''+@dbname+''')'

    exec (@checkdb)

    --If the dbcc checkdb statement fails, then this process is aborted and the error is logged.

    if @@error <> 0


    set @logevent=+ @dbname+ ' has failed the Database Consistency (DBCC CheckDB) Check. Please check the database'

    EXEC master..xp_logevent 50001, @logevent, error

    raiserror ('DBCC CheckDB has failed',19,1)




    --If the dbcc checkdb statement is successful then it runs the usp_index on the database

    exec AdminDBReindex @dbname--Which does REIndexing and Update Statistic

    fetch next from dbnamecursor into @dbname


    close dbnamecursor

    deallocate dbnamecursor

  • Your code isn't doing anything special. Can you run dbcc with the repair_fast option on that one db?

  • As I said,When I run DBCC CheckDB 'Order',exec AdminDBReindex 'Order' instead of those dynamic code,I do not

    recieve an error message.but When I run the job I recieve error message.Also When I try to DBCC CheckDB with Repair_Fast Option.I recieve an error,which said the database should be in single user mode.But this server is being replicated many place and If I change it's mode,it will fail the existuing replication

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