• Is it possible to call this stored procedure from VB 6.0 ?

  • Eh?  Was this supposed to be part of another thread?  If not: "Which stored procedure?"

    If your question is just: "Can stored procedures be called from VB6?", the answer is yes.  Just send the exec [procname(,,)] statement in the same way as you would any other SQL statement.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • This page came just when i clicked the 'discuss about this article' after reading the article 'Using Parameters with Stored Procedures' today.

    The stored procedure has output parameters and eg. was given to call it from query analyzer.But i wanted to know,if this can be called in VB6.

    The stored procedure is

    CREATE PROC usp_AddTwoIntegers @FirstNumber int = 5,

    @SecondNumber int, @Answer varchar(30) OUTPUT as

    Declare @sum int

    Set @sum = @FirstNumber + @SecondNumber

    Set @Answer = 'The answer is ' + convert(varchar,@sum)

    Return @sum

  • It would be something like this :

    Private Function exec_usp_AddTwoIntegers(ByVal FirstNumber As Integer, ByVal SecondNumber As Integer, ByRef Answer As String, Optional ByRef ReturnValue As Integer) As Integer

    On Error GoTo Gestion

    Dim MyCmd As ADODB.Command

    Set MyCmd = New ADODB.Command

    MyCmd.CommandText = "dbo.usp_AddTwoIntegers"

    MyCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    Dim MyParam As ADODB.Parameter

    Set MyParam = New ADODB.Parameter

    MyParam.Direction = adParamReturnValue

    MyParam.Name = "@Return"

    MyParam.Type = adInteger

    MyCmd.Parameters.Append MyParam

    Set MyParam = New ADODB.Parameter

    MyParam.Name = "@FirstNumber"

    MyParam.Value = FirstNumber

    MyParam.Size = 4

    MyParam.Direction = adParamInput

    MyParam.Type = adInteger

    MyCmd.Parameters.Append MyParam

    Set MyParam = New ADODB.Parameter

    MyParam.Name = "@SecondNumber"

    MyParam.Value = SecondNumber

    MyParam.Size = 4

    MyParam.Direction = adParamInput

    MyParam.Type = adInteger

    MyCmd.Parameters.Append MyParam

    Set MyParam = New ADODB.Parameter

    MyParam.Name = "@Answer"

    MyParam.Value = Answer

    MyParam.Size = 30

    MyParam.Direction = adParamInputOutput

    MyParam.Type = adVarChar

    MyCmd.Parameters.Append MyParam


    MyCmd.ActiveConnection = MyCn

    MyCmd.Execute exec_usp_AddTwoIntegers


    ReturnValue = CInt(MyCmd.Parameters("@Return").Value)

    Answer = MyCmd.Parameters("@Answer").Value

    Set MyParam = Nothing

    Set MyCmd = Nothing

    Exit Function


    ErrHandler ModuleName, Me.Name, "exec_usp_AddTwoIntegers", Err

    MsgBox Err.Description & " : " & Err.Number

    End Function

  • Thank u Remi, this worked out.

    But imagine if i wanted to pass 25 parameters to my stored procedure and wanted an output parameter,then how long will be my calling the stored proc code? Is there any other way?

  • We you can shorten to create param code to 1 line, but in any case you have to set all 25 parameters. I have no problems with that anymore as I created a program to generate that code so it takes less than 1 minute to recreate the code .

    You can always ship the sp to me so that I generate the code for ya.

  • Thank u for ur help.I will surely get ur help for my future sps.

    Although we generate code , will that not be too many lines of code Remi?



  • I don't really care, it's the same copy/paste .

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