Ranking on Interactive Sorting

  • I created a report which has ranking on it. The columns are Rank, Category, Sales1, Sales2 and Trend%.

    It has parameter based on which report is sorted i.e. either on Sales1 or Trend%.

    I added rank using formula RunningValue(Fields!Category.value,SUM,Nothing)

    The report sorts correctly and ranking number is displayed perfectly.

    Now I added interactive sorting, so when I click on Category after report is ran, the Rank field shows as 1, 2 etc though it is sorted by Category.

    How can I make the Rank column static?

    Before: When report is ran to sort by sales

    Rank Category Sales1 Sales2 Trend%

    1 Cycle $100 $50 50%

    2 Bike $60 $120 -50%

    I want it like below, when category is clicked on interactive sorting

    Rank Category Sales1 Sales2 Trend%

    2 Bike $60 $120 -50%

    1 Cycle $100 $50 50%

    But it displays like,

    Rank Category Sales1 Sales2 Trend%

    1 Bike $60 $120 -50%

    2 Cycle $100 $50 50%

    Please help me out.

  • 1) Change your DataSet and add a column with ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY <Field> DESC)

    2) Use this column as Rank column

    Hope it works

  • Sorry, i did not understand. Are you asking to create an other dataset and use lookup function to link both of them? I tried it it did not work.

  • I think the suggestion is to use the existing dataset and add a column to it using


  • You need to add the RankNumber to your Dataset. Something like this:

    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY value DESC) as RankNumber,*

    FROM (

    SELECT 'test1' AS name, 100 AS value, '12/16/2013 10:10' AS logdatetime


    SELECT 'test2' AS name, 200 AS value, '12/16/2013 10:12' AS logdatetime


    SELECT 'test3' AS name, 300 AS value, '12/16/2013 10:14' AS logdatetime


    SELECT 'test4' AS name, 400 AS value, '12/17/2013 9:05' AS logdatetime


    SELECT 'test5' AS name, 500 AS value, '12/17/2013 9:07' AS logdatetime


    SELECT 'test6' AS name, 600 AS value, '12/17/2013 9:09' AS logdatetime

    ) I

    Then you show the RankNumber and not the RunningVAlue(.......)

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