Raking in Cube - Dimension Hierarchy

  • Hi all

    I have been scratching my head for some time now about this little problem regarding Raking within a Dimension Hierarchy.

    I have a Dimension called Entity. This Dimension has a ROWID, an Organisation Name, a Team Name and a User Name.

    I have created the following relationship:

    ROWID -> User Name -> Team Name -> Organisation Name

    I have created the following Calculations in my Cube:

    [Rank by Volume] (ranking of a User within the context of ALL the users regardless of Organisation or Team)

    Iif ( IsEmpty ([Measures].[Volume]), NULL,



    [Entity].[Organisation - Team - User].CurrentMember,

    [Entity].[Organisation - Team - User].[User Name].Members,



    [Rank by Volume within Team] 9ranking of a user within its own Team)

    Iif ( IsEmpty ([Measures].[Volume]), null,


    [Entity].[Organisation - Team - User].CurrentMember,

    ORDER ([Entity].[Organisation - Team - User].CurrentMember.Siblings,

    [Measures].[Volume], BDESC)


    My problem is that I cannot find a way to create the Raking Calculation for a User within an Organisation.

    Also if someone has a better way to create the Raking Calculations I'd be more than happy to hear about it and extend my knowledge of SQL Server.



  • Hi

    Sorry to answer my own post but I have found the correct solution:

    Iif ( IsEmpty ([Measures].[Volume]), null,


    [Entity].[User Name].CurrentMember,

    Exists ([Entity].[User Name].[User Name],

    {[Entity].[Organisation Name].CurrentMember}),



    Also if I want to see the ranking within a Team, the Calculation becomes:

    Iif ( IsEmpty ([Measures].[Volume]), null,


    [Entity].[User Name].CurrentMember,

    Exists ([Entity].[User Name].[User Name],

    {[Entity].[Team Name].CurrentMember}),




    I hope this may help other SSAS Developpers.



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