Raiserror. Is it posible to handle the message before the error is it raised?

  • I believe not but who knows?

    I would like to handle the messages to add others informations.

    For example, if I have a constraint violation, the error is raised and after that I have the posibility to do something (put the @@error in a local variable and if is non 0 do something etc.).

    But the error is already raised and the message printed. I know that what I say is more than obvious for every person who have some experience with SQL Server. I still try and ask if there is any posibility to update the message before the error is raised.


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  • Try using the T-SQL RAISERROR statement.  Using RAISERROR you can return to the client a string in the raiserror statement or a system defined message from dbo.master.sysmessages.  You can add messages to sysmessages by using the sp_addmessage system stored procedure.  Takes a bit more error handling code in your proc, but well worth it.


    Happy Hunting,


  • Finally I did something like that.

    FIrst of all I build some tables in which I clasified errors from sysmasters.

    I made some views with these custom tables and system and views tables.

    After that, after every standard action (which means insert, update etc), i store @@error in a variable and, on the base of that variable like a parameter (and the name of the procedure, the table updated etc) I use a custom raiserror stored procedure.

    I had to use for some kind of errors the error description and finally I use the method suggested few days ago (saving in sql server log the description of the error).

    I add custom messages and their are the same as those custom error types.

    Depends of the error I raise a type or another with the parameters from the stored procedure either constructed in that custom raiserror. 

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