quoted identifiers in stored procedure

  • Hi, can any of you coding gurus help me?

    I want to put the following code in a stored procedure:

    select 'exec sp_dropuser ' +"'" +name +"'" from sysusers where sid > 0x01 and (isntuser = 1 or issqluser = 1 or isntgroup = 1)

    select 'exec sp_grantdbaccess ' +"'" +l.loginname +"','" +o.name +"'" from sysusers o

    left join master.dbo.syslogins l on l.sid = o.sid where o.sid > 0x01 and (o.isntuser = 1 or o.issqluser = 1 or o.isntgroup = 1)

    I have set quoted_identifier off

    However the stored procedure will not compile with error invalid column name ''' i.e. it does not like my quoted identifiers

    The code works fine as straight SQL. Am I doing something wrong or is this not possible in a proc?



  • Can you show us what you want the final SQL to look like as returned from the SELECT statement?

  • David,

    I am trying to produce the sp_dropuser and sp_grantdbaccess commands for all users in the database, with the quotes required for windows authenticated users, i.e.

    exec sp_dropuser 'username'

    exec sp_grantdbaccess 'domain\name','name'

    Its getting the quotes that troublesome. As I said the code above works from QA but will not compile as part of a stored proc



  • Avoid the use of double quotes and use single quotes

    select 'exec sp_dropuser ' + '''' + [name] + '''' from sysusers where sid > 0x01 and (isntuser = 1 or issqluser = 1 or isntgroup = 1)


    select 'exec sp_dropuser ' + CHAR(39) + [name] + CHAR(39) from sysusers where sid > 0x01 and (isntuser = 1 or issqluser = 1 or isntgroup = 1)


    select 'exec sp_dropuser ' + QUOTENAME([name],'''') from sysusers where sid > 0x01 and (isntuser = 1 or issqluser = 1 or isntgroup = 1)


    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • david, that's great, thanks. I knew it would be embaressingly easy


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