Quick way to set up actions?

  • Hi all

    Hope you can help

    I am creating a series of reports which have lots of "Action" links to "Go To Report", each of these have approximately 8 parameters to pass to the child report.

    I'm just wondering if there is a quick way to copy and paste the action and parameter set from one control to another even if there is a code-behind file I can access?

    It's going to be quite time consuming adding each parameter to each report field, with only a slight parameter value change each time.



  • Right click on the report in the explorer pane, view code.

    That will give you the xml source code. Keep in mind that you have 2 instances of the same file opened and that it's easy to screw up the xml. I ALWAYS save a copy before starting to edit. Saved me quite a few times.

    Then start doing searches to find the code you used in one of the parameter expressions. From there on out you can just copy / paste.

    Here's a sample of what that code might look like :



    <ReportName>Marges - détails</ReportName>


    <Parameter Name="BeginDate">



    <Parameter Name="EndDate">



    <Parameter Name="FGF_EA">



    <Parameter Name="FGF_OD">



    <Parameter Name="SalesReps">



    <Parameter Name="BillTo">



    <Parameter Name="SalesRep_To_Hidden">



    <Parameter Name="DocTypes">



    <Parameter Name="Bureaux">



    <Parameter Name="ParamReportProduits">



    <Parameter Name="Famille">



    <Parameter Name="IsOD">



    <Parameter Name="Type">



    <Parameter Name="DateFilterType">



    <Parameter Name="DocumentNo">



    <Parameter Name="MargeMaxPourAnalyse">



    <Parameter Name="MargeMinPourAnalyse">



    <Parameter Name="MontantVenteMinPourAnalyse">



    <Parameter Name="PercEcartCoutNegocieCoutUtilise">






  • I can't thank you enough. That's going to save me so much time.

    Cheers for the quick reply too. 🙂


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