Question: SQL 2005 triggering a DB2 stored proceudre

  • Is there away to trigger a db2 stored procedure from a SQL server 2005 stored procedure?  If so can someone point me to an example or some documentation.

  • Have you checked openrowset/openquery?

  • Calling the DB2 procedure directly based on openrowset/openquery can lead to performance issues not to mention the limitations that you might encounter because of data-types, error handling etc..  One way of achieving this would be to create a trigger on SQL Server that upon an action (for which the trigger is written), inserts a record in the DB2 table via pass-through query (openquery for example)...then have a trigger on the DB2 table that fires off a stored procedure upon that insert into the table.

    However, evaluate why you need this to occur at real time and why can't it be changed to be a batch operation that occurs every x minutes.  That might be a better way of addressing it otherwise depending upon how much time the actual stored procedure logic takes, your initial transaction will wait till that finishes -- that is because there is no "pragma autonomous transactions concept in SQL Server or DB2 UDB"  - that feature is there only in Oracle which allows the trigger to execute as a separate transaction scope rather than being part of the same transaction.

    So, yes it can be done - whether you want to do it is something you have to weigh.

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