question re #nisse in SQL Server 2005

  • I went back into a Visual Studio report project today. I have made numerous changes to the stored procedure that populates the report but the name is the same, as are the parameters. I cannot get it to run in the Data tab. I even rebooted my machine.

    I deleted the stored proc and added it back in. It still won't run and until I get it to run here and update the fields (though they haven't changed), the report won't run. The major "odd" thing I put in the proc is that I was creating a table, populating and deleting it to calculate running balances. Didn't work well for multiple hits so I changed the table to #nisse (which I found on the Internet somewhere). Does anyone think this #nisse--which solved my multiple hit issue--code is adversely affecting the report?

    Any info would be greatly appreciated.

  • Please, do not cross post.

    Original post is here:

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