Question on sp_delete_backuphistory

  • If I have the following:

    SET @deleteday= dateadd(dd,-3,getdate())

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_delete_backuphistory @deleteday

    In the folder, currently have backups for 01/13/2013, 01/14/2013, 01/15/2013

    So when the job runs, it'll delete 01/13/2013 backup from the folder.


    If I change the day from -3 to -4 before the clean up job runs tonight, the job won't delete 01/13/2013 because it's looking for 01/12/2013.

    From @deleteday= dateadd(dd,-3,getdate())

    To @deleteday= dateadd(dd,-4,getdate())

    And if I change the day tomorrow back from -4 to -3

    From @deleteday= dateadd(dd,-4,getdate())

    To @deleteday= dateadd(dd,-3,getdate())

    it'll essentially be looking for 1/14/2013.

    My question is, will it delete 1/13/2013 AND 1/14/2013 backups? Or will it just delete 1/14/2013 backup and keep the 1/13/2013?


  • It will delete both.

    The parameter you are passing to sp_delete_backuphistory is telling it to delete ALL backup history OLDER than that date.

  • sp_delete_backuphistory deletes backup history from the MSDB backup history tables, it doesnt touch the filesystem!!

    You're referring to xp_delete_file to achieve this


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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