Question on Datafiles

  • Hi Friends,

    I have a database which has 6 datafiles. Out of 6, 5 are in E drive and the

    other is in F drive. Now my E drive is completely filled i.e., there is no

    free space in it. Now the question is will the new transactions will enter

    into 6th file or it will try to share the data between 6 files?

    If i have free space in both E and F drives then how the data will be

    shared between 6 datafiles?

    FYI: All the datafiles are of equal size

    Thank You.

    Raghavender Chavva

  • Raghavender (4/14/2011)

    will the new transactions will enter

    into 6th file or it will try to share the data between 6 files?

    New transaction will enter into 6th file.

    Raghavender (4/14/2011)

    If i have free space in both E and F drives then how the data will be

    shared between 6 datafiles?

    SQL Server uses proportionate fill algorithm. For example, if the file on E: drive on is 80% full and the file on F: drive is 50% full. SQL Server will write only to the file on F: drive untill it becomes 80% full.

    Note: Writing happens based on the data file free space, NOT disk free space.

  • Raghavender (4/14/2011)

    Now the question is will the new transactions will enter

    into 6th file or it will try to share the data between 6 files?

    Depends. Are they all in one filegroup or are they in different filegroups?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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