A few days ago I was asked to give 3 users access to reports under the folder 'Call Reporting'
The reports in this folder use a shared datasource under the folder 'Data Sources'
(there is also a folder datasets but the datasets in that folder aren't used for the reports in question)
Now I gave the users the "browser" role on both the folder 'Call Reporting' as the folder 'Data Sources'
I checked to make sure whether the rights were inherited over
Now those users are reporting the following error:
Now the user quickly googled the error & promptly came back to me that the error must be on the sql side
I looked at the shared datasource for this view and this is the settings
With "rs_reader" being an account that has all the rights to read the necessary data,but not to anything more.
I can see the reports just fine(but I have admin roles),no other users that acces these reports are reporting issues
This looks like the issue in this thread
but it isn't clear if they resolved it.