Question for the "experts"

  • Jack Corbett (1/12/2012)

    I don't see the only person who replied doing anything to get upset about or reply rudely or unprofessionally to.

    I disagree with you on that. This is right up to that poster's nickname "SQLKnowItAll" and deserved a solid response. It's the sort of thing that can get a forum a name for slagging people off because they didn't do it "my way", and I would have been extremely pissed off to get a response like that to one of my questions. Maybe the response it got was a bit too solid, but basicly he asked for it and he got it. Now we have a thread dedicated to slugging the guy who reacted quite naturally to a response that was not at all helpful, effectively a response that said "I wouldn't do it that way so you are wrong" - try to interpret it as "that will work but here is a better way" is if you wish, despite the plain fact that ity didn't say that, but it's an extreme stretch to see it that way. I don't condone the guy's starting this thread, nor his responses here, but I find it very easy to understand that he's feeling attacked for no good reason and that's why he's responding in an inappropriate way.


  • L' Eomot Inversé (1/12/2012)

    Jack Corbett (1/12/2012)

    I don't see the only person who replied doing anything to get upset about or reply rudely or unprofessionally to.

    I disagree with you on that. This is right up to that poster's nickname "SQLKnowItAll" and deserved a solid response. It's the sort of thing that can get a forum a name for slagging people off because they didn't do it "my way", and I would have been extremely pissed off to get a response like that to one of my questions. Maybe the response it got was a bit too solid, but basicly he asked for it and he got it. Now we have a thread dedicated to slugging the guy who reacted quite naturally to a response that was not at all helpful, effectively a response that said "I wouldn't do it that way so you are wrong" - try to interpret it as "that will work but here is a better way" is if you wish, despite the plain fact that ity didn't say that, but it's an extreme stretch to see it that way. I don't condone the guy's starting this thread, nor his responses here, but I find it very easy to understand that he's feeling attacked for no good reason and that's why he's responding in an inappropriate way.

    I still don't see anything rude or unprofessional in that post. I read it as, why fail the job when the job did exactly what it was supposed to do, especially when there are other ways to send out an email without failing the job. As SQLKnowItAll said, what if the job fails for some other reason, but you still think it is okay because you expect it to fail? Say someone drops the table that is supposed to have rows in it?

    Of course you you do have to consider that this opinion is coming from someone who introduced himself as "the loud, obnoxious New Englander" when I moved down south, so it would take quite a bit to offend me. In my first job in IT we didn't consider it a successful design meeting if we hadn't nearly come to blows over how things should be done, and that was when I worked with my best friend...:-D

  • L' Eomot Inversé (1/12/2012)

    Jack Corbett (1/12/2012)

    I don't see the only person who replied doing anything to get upset about or reply rudely or unprofessionally to.

    I disagree with you on that. This is right up to that poster's nickname "SQLKnowItAll" and deserved a solid response. It's the sort of thing that can get a forum a name for slagging people off because they didn't do it "my way", and I would have been extremely pissed off to get a response like that to one of my questions. Maybe the response it got was a bit too solid, but basicly he asked for it and he got it. Now we have a thread dedicated to slugging the guy who reacted quite naturally to a response that was not at all helpful, effectively a response that said "I wouldn't do it that way so you are wrong" - try to interpret it as "that will work but here is a better way" is if you wish, despite the plain fact that ity didn't say that, but it's an extreme stretch to see it that way. I don't condone the guy's starting this thread, nor his responses here, but I find it very easy to understand that he's feeling attacked for no good reason and that's why he's responding in an inappropriate way.

    Agreed, Tom. I did not go back and read the original threads (mostly because what is written in this thread is enough to convince me I was better off avoiding DeanOreno), but I have now. Your assessment makes sense, but I think certain bridges have probably been burnt at this point. Luckily, it is free to register on SSC 🙂

  • L' Eomot Inversé (1/12/2012)

    Jack Corbett (1/12/2012)

    I don't see the only person who replied doing anything to get upset about or reply rudely or unprofessionally to.

    I disagree with you on that. This is right up to that poster's nickname "SQLKnowItAll" and deserved a solid response. It's the sort of thing that can get a forum a name for slagging people off because they didn't do it "my way", and I would have been extremely pissed off to get a response like that to one of my questions. Maybe the response it got was a bit too solid, but basicly he asked for it and he got it. Now we have a thread dedicated to slugging the guy who reacted quite naturally to a response that was not at all helpful, effectively a response that said "I wouldn't do it that way so you are wrong" - try to interpret it as "that will work but here is a better way" is if you wish, despite the plain fact that ity didn't say that, but it's an extreme stretch to see it that way. I don't condone the guy's starting this thread, nor his responses here, but I find it very easy to understand that he's feeling attacked for no good reason and that's why he's responding in an inappropriate way.

    Tom, you may be missing that he didn't just do that in one thread. He does that over and over again. This thread, for example, was started directly because of a different thread than the one Jack linked to. There's no point linking to the one that caused this, because he's already gone back and edited all of his posts into nonsense strings (just qiohtoathoiuheou type stuff).

    In that thread, he started out by asking how to pass a multi-value parameter from SSRS to the SQL engine, then, in the same post, said he already knows how to do that, and asked about how to concatenate something together (it wasn't clear what he wanted to concatenate), and had a sample that seemed to already do what he needed, but he implied that he'd been spending significant time trying to figure out how to get a parameter to pass correctly from SSRS to SQL. The question was about that muddled.

    I said, "I must be misreading something here, because you seem to know how to pass a parameter to SQL, but you seem to be asking how to pass a parameter to SQL, can you clarify your question a bit?"

    He immediately came back with comments (I've quoted them above in this thread) that were (a) insulting, (b) arrogant, (c) unhelpful to his own cause.

    When I checked his other posts, I found that the data necessary to understand his question was actually present in another thread, and he could simply have refered to that. His question was clear to him because of contextual data that he didn't include in that question. It's a common problem, where something is clear to the person involved, and probably even obvious to them, but not so to others. Most people I ask for clarification from, using the same manner of writing as I did with him, simply realize that and do their best to clarify.

    This thread was prompted when I replied to his insults by stating, very simply, "I was going to try to help you, but if you're just going to be rude, I'll take my efforts elsewhere. Best of luck to you."

    He responded by starting this thread.

    Yes, his prior involvement in the "SQLKnowItAll" thread may have contributed to his reaction here, but the proximate cause was me asking him for clarification.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

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