Question for T-sql experts - how to mimic a user defined function that returns multiple values

  • Hello all,

    I'm doing a funky file import in SQL Server 2000, where a certain field has different formats of data in it, depending on what record type it is. I have some code that parses out a set of values from a DataToBeParsed field, based on a RecordType field, using substrings. I need to encapsulate this code for use in multiple procedures. I looked at all the user defined functions, but they don't seem to do what I want. The only thing that looks hopeful is the cross-apply in 2005.

    Unfortunately I'm using SQL Server 2000, so that's not an option.

    The update section at the bottom is what I want to encapsulate.

    Does anyone have any ideas?



    Create Table DataLoadStaging (

    RecordType varchar(20) not null

    ,DataToBeParsed varchar(1000) not null

    ,DataField1 varchar(10) null

    ,DataField2 varchar(10) null

    ,DataField3 varchar(10) null

    ,DataField4 varchar(10) null


    insert into DataLoadStaging (RecordType, DataToBeParsed) values ('RecordType A', 'abc132 6623 ')

    insert into DataLoadStaging (RecordType, DataToBeParsed) values ('RecordType A', 'bwe132 9284 ')

    insert into DataLoadStaging (RecordType, DataToBeParsed) values ('RecordType A', 'irt132 0911 ')

    insert into DataLoadStaging (RecordType, DataToBeParsed) values ('RecordType B', ' 0092 yyyy ')

    insert into DataLoadStaging (RecordType, DataToBeParsed) values ('RecordType B', ' 8782 wwww ')

    insert into DataLoadStaging (RecordType, DataToBeParsed) values ('RecordType B', ' 1193 yyyy ')

    insert into DataLoadStaging (RecordType, DataToBeParsed) values ('RecordType C', '4 2341 oooa ')

    insert into DataLoadStaging (RecordType, DataToBeParsed) values ('RecordType C', '59 9841 uuua ')

    insert into DataLoadStaging (RecordType, DataToBeParsed) values ('RecordType C', '12 2231 aaaa ')

    update DataLoadStaging


    DataField1 =


    when RecordType = 'RecordType A' then substring(DataToBeParsed, 1, 6)

    when RecordType = 'RecordType B' then null

    when RecordType = 'RecordType C' then null


    ,DataField2 =


    when RecordType = 'RecordType A' then substring(DataToBeParsed, 13, 4)

    when RecordType = 'RecordType B' then substring(DataToBeParsed, 4, 4)

    when RecordType = 'RecordType C' then substring(DataToBeParsed, 9, 4)


    ,DataField3 =


    when RecordType = 'RecordType A' then null

    when RecordType = 'RecordType B' then substring(DataToBeParsed, 16, 4)

    when RecordType = 'RecordType C' then substring(DataToBeParsed, 17, 4)


    ,DataField4 =


    when RecordType = 'RecordType A' then null

    when RecordType = 'RecordType B' then null

    when RecordType = 'RecordType C' then substring(DataToBeParsed, 1, 2)


    select * from DataLoadStaging

  • I'd create 4 seperate inline UDFs, one for each DataField column. Each function would take in two parameters (RecordType & DataToBeParsed) and return a varchar(10) value, and would encapsulate one of your 4 CASE statements respectively.



  • Thanks, that's a good idea. As a matter of fact, it's made me realize I might be able to have it all in one function - just by having also a "FieldToReturn" type parameter. Because I actually don't just have 4 data fields, I have about 16.

  • Sylvia Moestl Vasilik (4/10/2008)

    Thanks, that's a good idea. As a matter of fact, it's made me realize I might be able to have it all in one function - just by having also a "FieldToReturn" type parameter. Because I actually don't just have 4 data fields, I have about 16.

    Then you're gonna have 16 subqueries retriving data for each row.

    16 times worse than a cursor.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • @sergiy: No, if these are inline UDFs they should be expanded in place, similar to a C macro and shouldn't incur a RBAR-like performance hit.



  • Can you please post an example of inline UDF which will select a table field depending on a parameter and and SELECT statement using it which will not cause RBAR processing?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • @sergiy: No, you're right - I can't :blush:

    Just did a quick test using both inline and scalar UDFs for some test data based on the OP's sample. The inline form was the worst by many orders of magnitude, and the scalar version was about 1 order of magnitude worse than the non-UDF version.

    I'll just go off and hide for a while...



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