Question about using joins efficient and correct

  • Hello,

    i have 2 tables (V_CONFIGURATIONITEM and V_VALUEMAPPING) and i want to do several joins to have the info in 1 table:

    I'm thinking that i see it to difficult and that evrything can be made more easely and more efficient....



                       1            (12)           (13)             (14)           (15)

    ...                2            (21)             (1)              (2)            (45)






                       1                   (12)                    (H.P.)

                       2                   (13)                    (IBM)

                       3                   (14)               (ALTIRIS)

                       4                   (15)                    (BMC)



    select * from v_configurationitem

    inner join v_valuemapping v1 on v_valuemapping.INTERNALVALUE = v_configurationitem.ccicode1

    inner join v_valuemapping v2 on v_valuemapping.INTERNALVALUE = v_configurationitem.ccicode2

    inner join v_valuemapping v3 on v_valuemapping.INTERNALVALUE = v_configurationitem.ccicode3

    inner join v_valuemapping v4 on v_valuemapping.INTERNALVALUE = v_configurationitem.ccicode4



    Meaning to consult the following values later:

    select v1.EXTERNAL_VALUE

    select v2.EXTERNAL_VALUE

    select v3.EXTERNAL_VALUE

    select v4.EXTERNAL_VALUE

    Thx already for your help



  • Well, not sure, but maybe you want to do something like this?


    from v_configurationitem cfg

    inner join v_valuemapping v1 on v1.INTERNALVALUE = cfg.ccicode1

    inner join v_valuemapping v2 on v2.INTERNALVALUE = cfg.ccicode2

    inner join v_valuemapping v3 on v3.INTERNALVALUE = cfg.ccicode3

    inner join v_valuemapping v4 on v4.INTERNALVALUE = cfg.ccicode4

    You need to use alias for the table that is joined several times, right when you define the join - v1.INTERNALVALUE, not v_valuemapping.INTERNALVALUE.

    Sorry for the * in select, it shouldn't be there, but you didn't supply any info about columns you want to display from the configuration table.

    PS: I didn't comment on database design, just wrote how to do a select from existing structure. Placing 4 columns into a table, all pointed to the same reference table, is not the best solution and forces you to join the same table 4 times. But it is quite probable that you have to live with this structure and can't influence it...

  • Hello Vladan,


    thx very much for your answer

    it helped me a lot already

    there is only one question i am having,

    i did this with a left join because i was interested in the v_configurationitem table


    from v_configurationitem cfg

    left join v_valuemapping v1 on v1.INTERNALVALUE = cfg.ccicode1

    left join v_valuemapping v2 on v2.INTERNALVALUE = cfg.ccicode2

    left join v_valuemapping v3 on v3.INTERNALVALUE = cfg.ccicode3

    left join v_valuemapping v4 on v4.INTERNALVALUE = cfg.ccicode4


    but now he gives me to many results (too many records), isn't there a way to do a group by but do i can keep the info of the 4 fields in one record??







    I am not sure if I am understanding your required result set correctly but

    You could do something like


    select cfg.*,

    Value1 = Min(


    When cciCode1 Then v1.EXTERNAL_VALUE

    Else null



    , etc...

    from v_configurationitem cfg

    left join v_valuemapping v1

    on v1.INTERNALVALUE in( cfg.ccicode1, cfg.ccicode2, cfg.ccicode3, cfg.ccicode4 )



    You will have to check on performance.....

  • I think that in fact LEFT JOIN is more appropriate here, because otherwise only those rows of condiguration table that have valid entry in all 4 CCI columns will be displayed.

    Using LEFT JOIN in your situation shouldn't produce duplicates for which you would need to group by - at least I think so, but I know very little about the data in your tables. Simply ALL rows from the cofiguration table are displayed - by what column would you like to group by, and why?

    Maybe you could post some sample data, and required result?

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