Question about indexes

  • if you have and index built on field 1 and field 2 in that order but when you join to the table that has the index, you join by referencing field 2 and then field 1, are you still using the index?




  • Assuming that the join is sargable then yes (not converting column data in the join).  The optimiser is smart enough to figure the best path.

  • Interesting question actually. I never considered this.


    When you say converting the data you are speaking of something like a cast, or convert; correct?


    I have had  cases, many times when I join tables, or perhaps it is just my WHERE clause and I get an index SCAN rather than SEEK.  In some cases I have corrected this either by changing the JOIN (is: perhaps adding WITH (FIRTROWFAST) ) or some other means. Even in those cases I am unclear (most of the time) as to why or how I corrected the issue.  I just know that I can try a select set of commands / hints and get a SEEK out of a scan.


    I must say Indexes (while I feel that I understand them) are my weak point. That said; I guess  do not understand them to the degree that I THINK that I do.

    <hr noshade size=1 width=250 color=#BBC8E5> Regards,Jeffery Williams

  • jut to add ...

    when you build your query in Query Analyser, you can check out the execution plan. (exstimated /executed)

    (Ctrl+L or Query/display exstimated  execution plan)

    (Ctrl+K or Query/Show execution plan)

    This option is very educational.

    With SQL2005 this is even better


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  • functions on columns that participate in the join can make the optimizer decide not to use an index (not sargeable)

    like convert(varchar(10),mydate1,102)=convert(varchar(10),mydate1,102)


  • Or even something as subtile as having a varchar column joining to an nvarchar column can cause implicit_converts which can cause scans.  This can be a big headache to find once the app is deployed .

  • I'm curious about the WITH (FIRTROWFAST). I searched help in SQL Server 2005 and google didn't get any hits. Is there a typo? WHat is this?

  • implicit_converts will indeed messup things.

    rule 1 for any RDBMS : tell the system what you know !

    SQL2005 can generate nice xml-plans which show you implict conversions !


    ScalarOperator ScalarString="[DMaterialManagement].[dbo].[T_Inspection].[SequenceNr]=CONVERT_IMPLICIT(numeric(18,0),[@xyzParam2],0) AND [DMaterialManagement].[dbo].[T_Inspection].[DaughterNr]=CONVERT_IMPLICIT(numeric(18,0),[@xyzParam3],0) AND CONVERT_IMPLICIT(nchar(8),[DMaterialManagement].[dbo].[T_Inspection].[CoilNumberMainframe],0)=[@xyzParam1]">

    Whilst implict conversions are to be avoided, the conversion of a column to match a predicate will at least generate an indexscan (if the column is indexed) !

    And the impact may be huge !!!



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  • should  be FASTFIRSTROW.

    search for "table hints" in BOL


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  • Thank you all for replying.  I really appreciate it.



  • Sorry, yes it is.


    I should have typed FASTFIRSTROW


    <hr noshade size=1 width=250 color=#BBC8E5> Regards,Jeffery Williams

  • It depends on the type of JOIN but it is covered in detail by Peter Gultuzan in the book below.  Hope this helps.

    Kind regards,

    Gift Peddie

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

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