Question about a Trigger

  • Hi,
    I have a pretty good understanding triggers, but I came across something that I do not understand.
    If I am doing a delete I know I reference the deleted, or if I am doing an insert I would reference the inserted. However, I inherited this AFTER UPDATE trigger that uses both in it at the same time and I am not getting it. 
    Can someone please explain why the delete would be here and what it is doing?
    Notice the reference in the join to deleted?
    Here is the code:

      IF UPDATE([agy_fee])
     INSERT INTO Changes
     (file_no, table_name, changed_from,
     changed_column, created, createdby, Dh_CHIndex)
     SELECT i.file_no, 'DebtorHistory', ISNULL(CAST(d.[agy_fee] as varchar ), '<NULL>'),
     ISNULL(CAST(i.[agy_fee] as varchar ), '<NULL>'),
     '[agy_fee]', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, suser_sname(), i.DH_INDEX
     FROM Inserted i
     LEFT OUTER JOIN Deleted d on i.file_no = d.file_no
     WHERE (  d.[agy_fee] <> i.[agy_fee]
      OR (d.[agy_fee] IS NULL AND i.[agy_fee] IS NOT NULL)
      OR (d.[agy_fee] IS NOT NULL AND i.[agy_fee] IS NULL)

    Thank you

  • An update is logically equivalent to deleting the old records and inserting the new records.  The deleted virtual table contains the old records and the inserted virtual table contains the new records.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Okay thanks that answers that

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