Querying An XML Field In SQL

  • Helllo,

    Working in SQL 2008

    Sample data from sql xml field (that is inserted into temp table #test)

    <Listing xmlns="http://rets.org/xsd/Syndication/2008-03">



    Query I'm Using to Grab "ListPrice"


    p.value('/Listing[1]/@ListPrice[1]', 'varchar (100)')As ListPrice

    FROM #test CROSS APPLY ListingNode.nodes('/Listing[1]/@ListPrice[1]') t(p)


    I'm not getting any results. Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?

    Thanks, GA

  • A couple problems. You have a default namespace which you need to declare. I prefer using the "with xmlnamespaces" statement. Next, you are looking for a ListPrice element not a ListPrice attribute. @ListPrice returns the ListPrice attribute of the Listing element. ListPrice (with no @ prefix) returns the ListPrice element.

    declare @t table (ListingNode xml);

    insert into @t values(

    '<Listing xmlns="http://rets.org/xsd/Syndication/2008-03">



    ; with xmlnamespaces (default 'http://rets.org/xsd/Syndication/2008-03')


    p.value('/Listing[1]/ListPrice[1]', 'varchar (100)')As ListPrice

    FROM @t tmp CROSS APPLY tmp.ListingNode.nodes('/Listing[1]/ListPrice[1]') t(p)

    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • Thank you so much Russell. Your comments/advice were spot on. Very much appreciated.

  • Thanks Dear .your solution is so much helpful.


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