Querying a text file via linked server passing file name to procedure

  • I have a stored procedure to query a text file in a linked server.  This works fine when the file name in hard coded into the procedure.  As this filename changes I need to be able to pass the filename to the procedure.  I can't seem to get the syntax correct for the statement to recognize the filename variable as a table name in the linked server.  This statement works fine:

    select TextFile.*

    INTO #TempTextFile

    FROM TextFileServer...[TA_200#TXT] as TextFile

     left outer join Imports_TA

     on TextFile.SSN=Imports_TA.SSN

      and TextFile.Date_Assess = Imports_TA.Date_Assess

      and TextFile.Transmit_Date = Imports_TA.Transmit_Date

    WHERE Imports_TA.SSN is null

    I need to be able to pass the table name as a variable to replace the 'TA_200#TXT'.  I am also selecting only records in this file that have not been previously imported as the text file is cumulative.  I already have a process to update the schema.ini with the new file name so I just need to be able to run the statement to connect to the file.

    Can anyone offer help with this?



  • Declare @stm varchar(4000), @tableName varchar(255)

    Set @tableName = 'TA_200.TXT'

    Set @stm = 'select TextFile.* ' +


    'FROM TextFileServer...['+@tableName+'] as TextFile ' +

    ' left outer join Imports_TA ' +

    ' on TextFile.SSN=Imports_TA.SSN' +

    '  and TextFile.Date_Assess = Imports_TA.Date_Assess ' +

    '  and TextFile.Transmit_Date = Imports_TA.Transmit_Date ' +

    'WHERE Imports_TA.SSN is null'

    exec (@stm)



    * Noel

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