Query with multiple values in same output column

  • Hi

    I need to produce an output from a survey table which has an answer column that contains one or multiple values from a multi-pick list of answers. From the sample data below I require an output which looks like this...


    surveyName respondent filmPreference

    filmsurvey Chuck Henry Comedy, Action, Documentary

    filmsurvey Suzie Lopez Romance

    filmsurvey Brad Murray SciFi, Westerns

    filmsurvey Bill Cooper Comedy, Drama, Action, Animated

    filmsurvey Tyler Fitch Romance

    The column named filmPreference needs to contain the options selected by the respondent and if there are several answers these need to be separated by commas.


    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##multiPick') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##multiPick

    CREATE TABLE ##multiPick (

    [surveyName] [varchar] (100) NULL,

    [respondent] [varchar] (20) NULL,

    [filmPreference] [varchar](20) NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    INSERT INTO ##multiPick (surveyName, respondent, filmPreference) VALUES

    ('filmsurvey','Chuck Henry','Comedy'),

    ('filmsurvey','Chuck Henry','Action'),

    ('filmsurvey','Chuck Henry','Documentary'),

    ('filmsurvey','Suzie Lopez','Romance'),

    ('filmsurvey','Brad Murray','SciFi'),

    ('filmsurvey','Brad Murray', 'Westerns'),

    ('filmsurvey','Bill Cooper','Comedy'),

    ('filmsurvey','Bill Cooper','Drama'),

    ('filmsurvey','Bill Cooper','Action'),

    ('filmsurvey','Bill Cooper', 'Animated'),

    ('filmsurvey','Tyler Fitch','Romance')

    Any help would be most appreciated


  • Hi,

    please try below

    SELECT DISTINCT [surveyName],[respondent],


    (SELECT ',' + filmPreference

    FROM ##multiPick B

    WHERE A.respondent = B.respondent

    FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1, '') ) filmPreference

    FROM ##multiPick A

  • Awesome!

    I would never have thought of using the XML features within SQL

    I'm really grateful for this.


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