Query using variable performs poorly

  • I have having difficulty with a proc that takes a long time to execute. This proc is basically 2 selects; 1 very short one that takes less than a second that just gets a value from a table based on the user input and stores that value in a variable (@GUID) and uses this variable in a second huge statement. This 2nd statement is what takes up all the processing time. The funny thing is if I replace the variable with the value I get when running the first SELECT by itself, the second statement runs very quickly. Example code:



    @GUID = ObjectGUID

    FROM VisitListJoin_R

    WHERE JobID = @JobID – this is the parameter passed to the proc



    YEAR(cv.admitdtm) admitYear,

    LEFT(DATENAME(month, cv.admitdtm), 3) admitMonth,

    DAY(cv.admitdtm) admitDay

    -- .. (lots more fields being used)

    FROM client c WITH (NOLOCK)

    INNER JOIN clientvisit cv WITH (NOLOCK)

    ON c.guid = cv.clientguid

    AND cv.visitstatus <> 'PRE'

    AND cv.visitstatus <> 'CAN'

    INNER JOIN SXAAMVisitRegistration vr

    ON cv.GUID = vr.clientvisitguid

    --… (lots more joins)

    WHERE (cv.typecode = 'Emergency')

    AND cv.GUID = @GUID --9000061666700270

    AND cv.Active = 1

    Here is the important part. If I change the Select statement to use the hardcoded number (9000061666700270) the query takes about 5 seconds to execute. If I used the variable @GUID the query takes 1 minute 20 seconds. I have verifeid that both the column GUID in the clientvisit table and the variable @GUID are defined as HVCIDdt which is a used defined datatype as in

    CREATE TYPE [dbo].[HVCIDdt] FROM [numeric](16, 0) NULL

    I guess this means no data conversion, right?

    So why is is so much faster with the hardcoded value than with the variable? Is there a better way to do this? This runs in SQL 2000 SP4


  • I had the same problem once but i barely remember what i did 😛

    Anyway you could try to put that variable into a @table and to make the join in the big query

    also you could try to use a GROUP BY instead the DISTINCT

  • You've run into a classic case of parameter sniffing (or more accurately, the lack thereof). See this article[/url] for some details on the cause.

    Recommendation: Split into 2 stored procs. Pass the value from the first query as a parameter to the second stored proc. Use that parameter in the query. Optimiser can sniff that, can make a better estimate of rows and should produce a fast plan.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Thanks for the ideas. I will make some changes and continue testing.


  • perhaps doing a dynamic EXEC of the big query you could obtain the same efect than doing another SP, even better because in the dynamic query the variable would be transformed into a constant value.

  • It can, but then you have all the downsides of dynamic SQL. (permissions, proc cache growth, possible SQL injection)

    For something like this, probably 2 procs is easier. For something like a search query where there are numerous possible parameters I would normally recommend dynamic SQL

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • what Gila said also make sense. it is something that you have to consider when using dynamic sql

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