Query to pick columns from multiple tables

  • Hi,

    I have 2 tables. Table1 and Table2.

    Table1 contains

    ID         Name          Address

    1           A                 XYZ

    2            B                ABC

    3            C                 RST

    Table2 Contains ---

    ID     Salary         Month             Year

    1      2000            01                   2006

    1       3000            04                  2006

    3       5000            10                  2006

    3       3000             06                  2006

    1       4000             11                   2006

    2        8000             07                 2006


    I want  to write a query that gives the o/p in the following format--

    Quaterly1(1st four months),Quaterly2(2nd four months) and Quaterly 3(3rd four months) are salaries

    ID      Name       Year              Quaterly1          Quaterly2           Quaterly3

    1          A         2006                 5000                 0                     4000

    2           B        2006                   0                   8000                     0

    3           C        2006                   0                   3000                  5000


    Any help will be highly appreciated.





  • You need cross-tab query and a temp table as follows:


    -- Drop tables if alraedy exist

    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Table1]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

    drop table [dbo].[Table1]

    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Table2]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

    drop table [dbo].[Table2]

    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[TmpTable3]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

    drop table [dbo].[TmpTable3]

    -- Creat table Table1 and populate data

    Create Table [dbo].Table1 ([id] int null,[Name] Varchar(100) NULL,[Address] Varchar(100) NULL)

    Insert Into [dbo].Table1



    SELECT 3, 'C', 'RST'

    -- Creat table Course and populate data

    Create Table [dbo].Table2 (ID int null, salary float NULL, [Month] Varchar(10) NULL, [Year] Varchar(10) NULL)

    Insert Into [dbo].Table2

    SELECT 1,2000,'01','2006' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1,3000,'04','2006' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3,5000,'10','2006' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3,3000,'06','2006' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1,4000,'11','2006' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,8000,'07','2006'

    -- Creat table TmpTable3 and populate data

    Create Table [dbo].TmpTable3 ([id] int null,[Name] Varchar(100) NULL,salary float NULL, [Year] Varchar(10) NULL, [Quarter] Varchar(10) NULL)

    Insert into TmpTable3

    Select [dbo].Table1.[ID], [dbo].Table1.[Name], [dbo].Table2.Salary,[dbo].Table2.[Year],


     When Cast([dbo].Table2.[Month] as int) <= 4 Then '01'

     When Cast([dbo].Table2.[Month] as int) <= 8 Then '02'

     When Cast([dbo].Table2.[Month] as int) <= 12 Then '03'

    End As [Quarter]

    From [dbo].Table1 Join [dbo].Table2

    On ([dbo].Table1.[ID]=[dbo].Table2.[ID])

    Select * From [dbo].TmpTable3

    DECLARE @Quarter Varchar(50)

    DECLARE @sql Varchar(5000)

    DECLARE @SQL2 Varchar(5000)



    SELECT [Quarter] FROM [dbo].TmpTable3

    GROUP BY [Quarter]

    ORDER BY [Quarter]

    SET @sql = ''

    SET @SQL2 = ''

    SET @Num = 0

    OPEN Fields

    FETCH NEXT FROM Fields INTO @Quarter



     SET @Num = @Num + 1

     IF @Num = 1

      SET @sql = 'SUM(CASE WHEN ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(100),[Quarter]),''NA'') = ''' + @Quarter + ''' THEN [Salary] ELSE NULL END) As [Quarter' + @Quarter + ']



          SET @sql = @sql + ', SUM(CASE WHEN ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(100),[Quarter]),''NA'') = ''' + @Quarter + ''' THEN [Salary] ELSE NULL END)  As [Quarter' + @Quarter + ']


     FETCH NEXT FROM Fields INTO @Quarter


    CLOSE Fields DEALLOCATE Fields

    SET @sql = 'SELECT [ID],[Name],[Year],' + @sql + '

    FROM [dbo].TmpTable3

    GROUP BY [ID],[Name],[Year]

    ORDER BY [ID],[Name],[Year]


    --PRINT @sql

    EXEC (@SQL)

  • No, no... Nice try, Terry, but I'm sorry - you really don't need cursor and dynamic SQL for that. The query is pretty simple and you can run it directly from the 2 original tables - you don't even need Table3. With your permission, I'll repost the table and data definitions for the 2 tables from your post and just add the final query.

    -- Create table Table1 and populate data

    CREATE TABLE Table1 ([id] int null,[Name] Varchar(100) NULL,[Address] Varchar(100) NULL)

    INSERT INTO Table1



    SELECT 3, 'C', 'RST'

    -- Creat table Table2 and populate data

    CREATE TABLE Table2 (ID int null, salary float NULL, [Month] Varchar(10) NULL, [Year] Varchar(10) NULL)

    INSERT INTO Table2

    SELECT 1,2000,'01','2006' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1,3000,'04','2006' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3,5000,'10','2006' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3,3000,'06','2006' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1,4000,'11','2006' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,8000,'07','2006'

    -- This is the query to get the result directly

    SELECT t1.[ID], t1.[Name], t2.[Year],

    SUM(CASE WHEN t2.[Month] IN ('01','02','03','04') THEN t2.salary ELSE 0 END) as Quarter1,

    SUM(CASE WHEN t2.[Month] IN ('05','06','07','08') THEN t2.salary ELSE 0 END) as Quarter2,

    SUM(CASE WHEN t2.[Month] IN ('09','10','11','12') THEN t2.salary ELSE 0 END) as Quarter3

    FROM Table1 t1

    JOIN Table2 t2 ON t1.[ID]=t2.[ID]

    GROUP BY t1.[ID], t1.[Name], t2.[Year]

    DROP TABLE Table1

    DROP TABLE Table2

    It is just a matter of taste whether to use conversion for the months or not, but since in this case I would have to include 2 conditions in definition of Q2 and Q3 anyway (like Month < 9 AND Month > 4), I decided I will just name the values explicitly.

  • ... and another way how to write it, which can come handy in some situations, where the calculations are more complicated than a simple SUM - by separating the CASE and the calculation into two steps:

    SELECT Q.[ID], Q.[Name], Q.[Year], SUM(Q.Q1) as Quarter1, SUM(Q.Q2) as Quarter2, SUM(Q.Q3) as Quarter3


    (SELECT t1.[ID], t1.[Name], t2.[Year],

    CASE WHEN t2.[Month] IN ('01','02','03','04') THEN t2.salary ELSE 0 END as Q1,

    CASE WHEN t2.[Month] IN ('05','06','07','08') THEN t2.salary ELSE 0 END as Q2,

    CASE WHEN t2.[Month] IN ('09','10','11','12') THEN t2.salary ELSE 0 END as Q3

    FROM Table1 t1

    JOIN Table2 t2 ON t1.[ID]=t2.[ID]) as Q

    GROUP BY Q.[ID], Q.[Name], Q.[Year]

  • You are quite right. I am learning something small or big everyday. I was in the middle of inventing SQL crosstab reports tools. And I came up with the lengthy solution. Thanks for your kind advice.

  • Hi ,

    Use the following query!! It's working..


    SELECT a.e_id,a.name,a.address,

    (case when datepart(qq,dt)=1 then sum(salary) else 0 end) QT_1 ,

    (case when datepart(qq,dt)=2 then sum(salary) else 0 end) QT_2 ,

    (case when datepart(qq,dt)=3 then sum(salary) else 0 end) QT_3 ,

    (case when datepart(qq,dt)=4 then sum(salary) else 0 end) QT_4


    LEFT OUTER join

    (SELECT *,Convert(datetime, convert(varchar,convert(varchar,yr) + '-' + mon + '-' + '01')) dt


    on a.e_id=b.e_id

    GROUP BY a.e_id,a.name,a.address,dt

    Regards ,

    Amit Gupta


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