Query to list all jobs

  • Hello,

    We are consolidating servers and I was asked to write a query that returns a list of jobs on a server so that we can get an idea of what jobs will need to be copied over to the new server. I have gotten pretty close with this query below.

    select j.name, step_id, step_name,subsystem,database_name, category_id

    from msdb..sysjobs j left join msdb..sysjobsteps t

    on (j.job_id = t.job_id)

    where enabled = 1

    order by category_id

    The problem is it's returning jobs that where created automatically for the replication agents and other system jobs. We are looking for only the user defined jobs. I feel like category_id may help but I have not been able to find the meaning behind the integer in category_id. I would appreciate any help, thanks!

  • The owner_sid column will give you information regarding who owns the jobs. Just exclude anything owned by the system. That will help for any jobs that people haven't reassigned to a system job.

    Google-fu SUSER_SID()

  • Good idea,

    My only concern with this is we change the ownership after we create a job to sa. It looks like the default syspolicy_purge_history job which was created by the system also runs under sa so I'm not sure if I'll see a distinction.

  • Possibly if you compare the created date to the last modified date you can use that as a guideline. Any job that has a different last modified date to its created date could be one that you've changed ownership on.

  • Check msdb.dbo.syscategories


  • Thanks all.

    I ended up using category_id and saying if it was 0 or >= 98 and also making sure the name was not equaly to 'sys_policy....'. It gave me what I wanted. Now how do I close this thread or mark it as no more help needed?

  • You don't as far as I know. You just let it go dead.

    Glad to hear you found a solution.

  • Cool, threads will remain open. May be, someone will have a question related to the same topic or someone will find a better solution. Threads don't get locked in SSC. It helps.


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