query to get a part of strin

  • column1







    i got some rows like that in a column

    now i want to get the result set like




    simply from first '\' to end of 4th '\'

    Thnaq in advance for ur help guys...

    i'm really learning lot of different stuff from u guys...

  • Okay, similar yet different from your other post, so what have you tried to solve this problem?

  • neliii (5/7/2010)







    i got some rows like that in a column

    now i want to get the result set like




    simply from first '\' to end of 4th '\'

    Thnaq in advance for ur help guys...

    i'm really learning lot of different stuff from u guys...

    To follow suit with your other thread you had:

    --Code removed to see what OP has done. Thanks Lynn

    -- Cory

  • @lenin

    previously i worked on fixed lenth part of string

    so i used to use substring and charindex with a particular length

    but here the string lenght between 1st'\' and fourth '\' is varying in all the rows ..i'e 1st row string lenght varies with 2nd row and all

    so i couldn't figure t out how to use that functions for that type of rows

  • Care to post what you had? I have a solution, it may not be the best (Back to substring over stuff), but I am curious as to what you have.

    -- Cory

  • Do all the values in the column have at least four \'s?

  • @Lynn

    yes lynn

  • Lynn Pettis (5/7/2010)

    Do all the values in the column have at least four \'s?

    Good question, a follow up question is do you just want to get rid of everything past the last "\"?

    String = \\abc\def\ghi\jklmnop

    expected result = \\abc\def\ghi

    -- Cory


    SET @STR = '\\abc\xyz\wzy\123'

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@str, 1, LEN(@str) - CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(@str)))

    I am posting my solution.

    -- Cory

  • @cory

    yes exactly cory

  • @cory

    thanq for ur response

    but what if i had


    and i want to get only


  • This is why we are looking for requirements.

    -- Cory

  • Edit: code removed, valuable lesson in progress. Sorry guys, I worked on this for a while and posted without looking for responses.

    [font="Arial"]Low-hanging fruit picker and defender of the moggies[/font]

    For better assistance in answering your questions, please read this[/url].

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  • i tried to learn how to get that but couldnt...

    please help me out with that

  • All we wanted is for you to post the code you have written to try and solve your problem.

    Here is my solution using the dbo.DelimitedSplit inline TVF. Use the site search box and type DelimitedSplit.txt to find the thread where I have it uploaded.

    create table #TestTab (

    Col1 varchar(32)


    insert into #TestTab

    select '\\abc\tri\eds\rf' union all

    select '\\fd\tri\ef\' union all

    select '\\ghij\tri\gf\rf\k';



    (select '\' + ds.Item from #TestTab t1 cross apply dbo.DelimitedSplit(t1.Col1,'\') ds where ds.ItemID <= 5 and t1.Col1 = t2.Col1 for xml path (''))



    #TestTab t2;

    Any one else with a solution, please post it now. Let's see what other options we have for this solution.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)

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