Query to generate the report of locked account

  • Hi,

    Just wondering if there is any query which can give me report of locked account in SQL 2008. I know there are options like:-

    1) Can go in ssms--security--account and right click and select status. This is applicable to individual account.

    2)SELECT LOGINPROPERTY('accountid', 'IsLocked'). Also applicable to individual account

    3) SELECT name,type_desc,is_disabled,modify_date,default_database_name from sys.server_principals order by type_desc

    Generate the report but give the informatio as is_disabled. But I think is_disabled <> is_locked.

    Please provide your valuable inputs


  • Generate the report but give the informatio as is_disabled. But I think is_disabled <> is_locked.

    Yes, Disabled is different from Locked.

    SELECT LOGINPROPERTY('loginname', 'IsLocked') is also my guess.

    I think if the denylogin = 1 or hasaccess = 0 then the account is locked.

    Run below code to get the sql logins.

    select denylogin, hasaccess, status, loginname from sys.syslogins

    where isntuser = 0 and isntgroup = 0 and status = 9

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • Thanks for your response.

    I am not able to see any value which gives the confirmation that account is locked(except status which I am not sure what exact meaning of status = 9 or 10).

    Also I have googled about sys.syslogns and found these facts :-


    status smallint Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed.

    denylogin int 1 = Login is a Microsoft Windows user or group and has been denied access.

    hasaccess int 1 = Login has been granted access to the server.


    PS:- The above detail is collected from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms178593.aspx


  • Ive used your suggested code to resolve an issue

    Thank you

  • Maybe late, but try this...

    SELECT name


    ,CAST(LoginProperty(name, 'IsExpired') AS INT) is_expired

    ,CAST(LoginProperty(name, 'IsLocked') AS INT) is_locked

    FROM sys.server_principals

    WHERE (is_disabled = 0 AND CAST(LoginProperty(name, 'IsExpired') AS INT) = 1)

    OR CAST(LoginProperty(name, 'IsLocked') AS INT) = 1)

    ORDER BY name

  • Excellent

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