query to find total number of total number of reads for a stored procedure

  • Is there a query to find total number of logical reads/physical reads done when a given stored procedure is executed?

  • SELECT ss.sum_execution_count






    FROM (SELECT s.plan_handle

    ,SUM(s.execution_count) sum_execution_count

    ,SUM(s.total_elapsed_time) sum_total_elapsed_time

    ,SUM(s.total_worker_time) sum_total_worker_time

    ,SUM(s.total_logical_reads) sum_total_logical_reads

    ,SUM(s.total_logical_writes) sum_total_logical_writes

    FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats s

    GROUP BY s.plan_handle

    ) AS ss

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ss.plan_handle) t


    ORDER BY sum_total_logical_reads DESC

  • sql-lover (8/22/2013)

    SELECT ss.sum_execution_count






    FROM (SELECT s.plan_handle

    ,SUM(s.execution_count) sum_execution_count

    ,SUM(s.total_elapsed_time) sum_total_elapsed_time

    ,SUM(s.total_worker_time) sum_total_worker_time

    ,SUM(s.total_logical_reads) sum_total_logical_reads

    ,SUM(s.total_logical_writes) sum_total_logical_writes

    FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats s

    GROUP BY s.plan_handle

    ) AS ss

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ss.plan_handle) t


    ORDER BY sum_total_logical_reads DESC

    almost....how do i point this to a particular spid? Thanks for your help.

  • If you want to collect this data for a specific execution, you need to save the data before execution into a table, and then after execution read the DMV again to compute the delta. A presumptions is that there are no other executions of the procedure at the same time.

    Rather than using dm.sys_exec_query_stats, you can use dm.sys_exec_procedure_stats, so that you get values on procedure level instead rather than on query level.

    [font="Times New Roman"]Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, www.sommarskog.se[/font]

  • Erland Sommarskog (8/22/2013)

    If you want to collect this data for a specific execution, you need to save the data before execution into a table, and then after execution read the DMV again to compute the delta. A presumptions is that there are no other executions of the procedure at the same time.

    Rather than using dm.sys_exec_query_stats, you can use dm.sys_exec_procedure_stats, so that you get values on procedure level instead rather than on query level.

    i wanted at procedure level....i can write one but thought someone might already had a script.

  • Run a server side trace , that will tell you exactly how many pages are being read during execution, but should be the same data collected by a DMV

  • How could I forget! The solution curious_sqldba is looking for is available on my web site. sp_sqltrace accepts a T-SQL batch as parameter. It sets up a trace filtered for your own spid, runs the batch, and the aggregates the data from the trace.


    [font="Times New Roman"]Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, www.sommarskog.se[/font]

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