query that will return the information of every table in a database

  • Hi,

    I'm seeking for a query that will return the information listed below for every table in a database.


    Any suggestions please.

    Thank you.



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  • This is a start. I would check every section for accuracy, especially the use of sys.sql_expression_dependencies.

    WITH Tabs AS
    SELECT DISTINCT b.[name] AS SchemaName, a.[name] as TableName, a.object_id,
    a.create_date AS CreateDate
    FROM sys.tables AS a
    JOIN sys.schemas AS b ON a.schema_id = b.schema_id

    Pkeys AS
    SELECT DISTINCT b.object_id, b.[name] AS Tablename
    FROM sys.indexes AS a
    INNER JOIN sys.tables AS b ON a.object_id = b.object_id
    WHERE a.is_primary_key = 1

    NonClu AS
    SELECT DISTINCT b.object_id, b.[name] AS Tablename
    FROM sys.indexes AS a
    INNER JOIN sys.tables AS b ON a.object_id = b.object_id
    WHERE a.[type] = 2

    Clu AS
    SELECT DISTINCT b.object_id, b.[name] AS Tablename
    FROMsys.indexes AS a
    INNERJOIN sys.tables AS b ON a.object_id = b.object_id
    WHEREa.[type] = 1

    fKey AS
    SELECT DISTINCT a.[Name] AS TableName, a.object_id
    FROM sys.Tables AS a
    JOIN sys.Foreign_Keys AS b ON a.object_id = b.parent_object_id

    Deps as
    SELECT DISTINCT a.[name] AS TableName, a.object_id, c.[type]
    FROM sys.objects AS a
    JOIN sys.sql_expression_dependencies AS b on a.object_id = b.referenced_id
    JOIN sys.objects AS c on b.referencing_id = c.object_id

    SELECT a.*,
    IIF(b.object_id IS NULL,0,1) AS HasPkey,
    IIF(c.object_id IS NULL,0,1) AS HasNonClu,
    IIF(d.object_id IS NULL,0,1) AS HasClu,
    IIF(e.object_id IS NULL,0,1) AS HasFKey,
    IIF(f.object_id IS NULL,0,1) AS HasProcDepend,
    IIF(g.object_id IS NULL,0,1) AS HasViewDepend
    FROM Tabs AS a
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Pkeys AS b ON a.object_id = b.Object_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN NonClu AS c ON a.object_id = c.Object_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Clu AS d ON a.object_id = d.Object_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN fKey AS e ON a.object_id = e.object_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Deps AS f ON a.object_id = f.object_id AND f.[type] = 'P'
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Deps AS g ON a.object_id = g.object_id AND g.[type] = 'V';

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by  Ed B.
  • Thank you.

  • A slightly different approach

    CONCAT(SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id), '.', t.name) AS TableName
    , t.create_date AS CreatedDate
    , t.modify_date AS LastModifiedDate
    , CAST(CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id=t.object_id AND is_primary_key = 1) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS BIT) AS HasPkey
    , CAST(CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id=t.object_id AND type = 2) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS BIT) AS HasNonClu
    , CAST(CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id=t.object_id AND type = 1) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS BIT) AS HasClu
    , CAST(CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.Foreign_Keys WHERE parent_object_id=t.object_id) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS BIT) AS HasFKey
    , CAST(CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.sql_expression_dependencies d JOIN sys.objects o ON o.object_id=d.referencing_id AND o.type IN ('P','PC','X') WHERE d.referenced_id=t.object_id ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS BIT) AS HasProcDep
    , CAST(CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.sql_expression_dependencies d JOIN sys.objects o ON o.object_id=d.referencing_id AND o.type IN ('FN','FS','FT','IF','TF') WHERE d.referenced_id=t.object_id ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS BIT) AS HasFuncDep
    , CAST(CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.sql_expression_dependencies d JOIN sys.objects o ON o.object_id=d.referencing_id AND o.type = 'V' WHERE d.referenced_id=t.object_id ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS BIT) AS HasViewDep
    , CAST(CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.columns c JOIN sys.types ty ON ty.system_type_id=c.system_type_id AND ty.user_type_id=c.user_type_id WHERE c.object_id=t.object_id AND ty.name LIKE '%date%') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS BIT) AS HasDateField
    FROM sys.tables t
  • Thank you.


    Is it possible to add ROW_COUNT and HasTrigger   to above select statement.?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by  adisql.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by  adisql.
  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I'm attempting to utilize this query, but I've discovered that HasViewDep is not producing accurate results. Some of the tables are used in inner view select statements (subqueries or joins), and those tables are returned as '0' for HasViewDep .

    Thank you.

  • adisql wrote:

    I'm attempting to utilize this query, but I've discovered that HasViewDep is not producing accurate results. Some of the tables are used in inner view select statements (subqueries or joins), and those tables are returned as '0' for HasViewDep .

    Thank you.

    Can you provide examples of this pattern?

  • Please note that if the the view references a table through a synonym the direct reference from the table will not be there. Maybe this is your use case?

  • TableB is utilized in the view below, but HasViewDep for that table displays 0.

    CREATE VIEW [xxx].[xxxxxxxxxxx]


    SELECT xxxxxx,xxxxxx,xxxxx,xxx

    FROM TableA(NOLOCK) co


    FROM TableB AS a

    WHERE ( xxxx = 'P' ) AND

    a.xxxx = co.xxxxxxxx )

  • Stange! My tests don't show this behavior. What do you see in SSMS when you look at the dependencies? Do the view show as a reference from TableB?

  • Also, if you run this:

    o1.Name as ReferencingObject,
    o1.type_desc AS ReferencingObjectType,
    o2.name AS ReferencedObject,
    o2.type_desc AS ReferencedObjectType
    FROM sys.sql_expression_dependencies d
    JOIN sys.objects o1 ON o1.object_id=d.referencing_id
    LEFT JOIN sys.objects o2 ON d.referenced_id=o2.object_id
    WHERE o1.name='yourView'

    Do you see a reference to both tables? If yes, are there obvious differences between them?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by  kaj.
  • I could see as attached.

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  • adisql wrote:

    I could see as attached.

    Ahh, okay. I think you'll have to comment on that image, because there isn't much to see after you have redacted most of the information. 🙂

    There seems to be several references to both tables and functions, including some nesting. So not as straight-forward as your example query.

    Which one is your "tableB"?

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