Query runs slow as Stored Procedure

  • Hi All,

    We have a stored procedure that takes over a miniute to run as a stored procedure but takes only a second in query analyzer. The query in the sp uses an int variable that is passed at run time. If we provide a hard coded value in the sp then it runs quickly. Replace it with the varibale and takes a long time.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks for any help...

    SQL 2K SP3, Windows 2000 Server

  • Can you post the code or something similar to it that does the same?

  • Below is a portion of sp. @COLLECTOR_ID is the culprit. If I replace the variable with a hard coded value it runs quickly.

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.ABT_Select_Collector_LastWorkDate_NotReviewed

    --Add Parameters Here










    AND LOAN.PrincipalBal >1

    Thanks in advance

  • Is there any looping / cursors done in the sproc......

  • Analyze the Execution plan for both the sproc and the statement in QA to see whre the differences are. Also, have you recompiled the sproc?

  • This is most likely a parameter sniffing issue.

    Your proc will run fine if you declare and use a local variable for the query. SET the local variable to the value of the parameter passed in to the sp.



  • Idea 1: add WITH RECOMPILE to the proc.

    Idea 2: turn the query into dynamic SQL using exec('...'), with the values of the parameters inserted into the query string.

  • Use Query Analyzer to look at the execution plan for the statement when you pass in a variable and when you provide the value direct. If you have multiple indexes on a table, I've found that the optimizer can choose the wrong one when querying using a variable. If that's the case you can use an index hint to dictate which index should be used.

  • Hi,

    I'll just relate an incident from just a couple of days ago. I had a 10 second proc that ran < 1 second in QA. Took me a while to do what you have been advised to do.

    Instead of putting the sql into QA I put:

    exec stp_MyProc

    And the execution plan was completely different to the sql code!!

    On closer inspection the code was found to be faulty (Left joins that where not needed). This was fixed and now both the raw SQL and proc have the same execution plan and run sub second.

    Cheers, Peter

  • I recently observed the same problem. As Stu suggests, assign the parameters to variables and use the variables in the query. This worked for me.

  • I have had this problem. In my stored proc I was using a temp (#) work table. I changed this to a permanent table that was created and dropped within the stored proc and all worked well.

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