Query Report

  • Hi All Iam designing a report by using the following query in sap business one using sql server 2005

    the report Format is

    ItemName MfrName Batchno Exprdate Quantity Rate vat

    Iam getting the report correctly if the item is selected from a single batch no. ididnt get the report if the item is selected from more than one batch no.

    it showing the following error

    [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression. 'User-Defined Values' (CSHS)

    my query is like this

    declare @sampletab table


    ItemName varchar(50),

    MfrName varchar(50),

    Batchno varchar(50),

    Exprdate DateTime,

    Quantity numeric(3),

    Rate numeric(5),

    vat numeric(3)


    declare @ItemNo varchar(25)

    declare @ItemName varchar(50)

    declare @MfrName varchar(50)

    declare @Batchno varchar(50)

    declare @Exprdate DateTime

    declare @Quantity numeric(3)

    declare @Rate numeric(5)

    declare @vat numeric(3)

    declare @delivno varchar(15)

    declare @docno varchar(15)

    declare cursorsample cursor for

    SELECT T1.[ItemCode],T1.[Dscription], T1.[U_MfrName], T1.[Quantity], T1.[PriceBefDi], T1.[VatPrcnt],T1.[BaseDocNum],T0.[DocNum] FROM OINV T0 INNER JOIN INV1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry WHERE T0.DocNum =[%0]

    open cursorsample

    FETCH NEXT from cursorsample into @ItemNo,@ItemName,@MfrName,@Quantity,@Rate,@vat,@delivno,@docno

    while @@FETCH_STATUS=0


    select @Batchno=(SELECT distinct T1.[BatchNum] FROM IBT1 T1 WHERE T1.BaseNum=@delivno or T1.BaseNum=@docno)

    select @Exprdate=(SELECT distinct T0.ExpDate FROM OIBT T0 Where T0.ItemCode = @ItemNo and T0.BatchNum=@Batchno)

    insert into @sampletab

    select @ItemName,@MfrName,@Batchno,@Exprdate,@Quantity,@Rate,@Vat

    FETCH NEXT from cursorsample into @ItemNo,@ItemName,@MfrName,@Quantity,@Rate,@vat,@delivno,@docno


    close cursorsample

    deallocate cursorsample

    select * from @sampletab

    thanks in advance

  • select @Batchno=(SELECT distinct T1.[BatchNum] FROM IBT1 T1 WHERE T1.BaseNum=@delivno or T1.BaseNum=@docno)

    select @Exprdate=(SELECT distinct T0.ExpDate FROM OIBT T0 Where T0.ItemCode = @ItemNo and T0.BatchNum=@Batchno)

    Its because your SELECT statements are returning more than one value to variable.

  • hi shahm

    thanks for ur reply

    iam designing a report by using this following query

    declare @sampletab table


    ItemName varchar(50),

    MfrName varchar(50),

    Batchno varchar(50),

    Exprdate DateTime,

    Quantity numeric(3),

    Rate numeric(5),

    vat numeric(3)


    declare @ItemNo varchar(25)

    declare @ItemName varchar(50)

    declare @MfrName varchar(50)

    declare @Batchno varchar(50)

    declare @Exprdate DateTime

    declare @Quantity numeric(3)

    declare @Rate numeric(5)

    declare @vat numeric(3)

    declare @delivno varchar(15)

    declare @docno varchar(15)

    declare cursorsample cursor for

    SELECT T1.[ItemCode],T1.[Dscription], T1.[U_MfrName], T1.[Quantity], T1.[PriceBefDi], T1.[VatPrcnt],T1.[BaseDocNum],T0.[DocNum] FROM OINV T0 INNER JOIN INV1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry WHERE T0.DocNum =[%0]

    open cursorsample

    FETCH NEXT from cursorsample into @ItemNo,@ItemName,@MfrName,@Quantity,@Rate,@vat,@delivno,@docno

    while @@FETCH_STATUS=0


    select @Batchno=(SELECT distinct T1.[BatchNum] FROM IBT1 T1 WHERE T1.BaseNum=@delivno or T1.BaseNum=@docno)

    select @Exprdate=(SELECT distinct T0.ExpDate FROM OIBT T0 Where T0.ItemCode = @ItemNo and T0.BatchNum=@Batchno)

    insert into @sampletab

    select @ItemName,@MfrName,@Batchno,@Exprdate,@Quantity,@Rate,@Vat

    FETCH NEXT from cursorsample into @ItemNo,@ItemName,@MfrName,@Quantity,@Rate,@vat,@delivno,@docno


    close cursorsample

    deallocate cursorsample

    select * from @sampletab

    the above query retrieves the only single record item which is taken from single batch no

    but when the item is selected from more than one batches and if i select the multiple items each one from single batch then iam not getting report it showing the error msg

    "1). [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, , >= or when the subquery is used as an expression. 'User-Defined Values' (CSHS)"

    can u suggest the modification in the query to get multiple records of the particular item selected from more than one batch and when multiple items taken

    thanks in advance

  • select @Exprdate=(SELECT distinct T0.ExpDate FROM OIBT T0 Where T0.ItemCode = @ItemNo and T0.BatchNum=@Batchno)

    Instead of passing values to variable, try storing output of above select statement in a temporary table and

    then read values from temporary table.

  • hi shahm

    thanks for ur reply

    i modified the query according to ur suggestions i'm getting the multiple records but i didnt get the batchno. and expirydate for that each item

    the main requirement of this qury is batchno. and expiry date

    can u suggest where i done mistake in the below query

    declare @sampletab table


    ItemName varchar(50),

    MfrName varchar(50),

    Batchno varchar(50),

    Exprdate DateTime,

    Quantity numeric(3),

    Rate numeric(5),

    vat numeric(3)


    declare @sampletab1 table


    btchno varchar(15)


    declare @sampletab2 table


    expdate datetime


    declare @ItemNo varchar(25)

    declare @ItemName varchar(50)

    declare @MfrName varchar(50)

    declare @Batchno varchar(50)

    declare @Exprdate DateTime

    declare @Quantity numeric(3)

    declare @Rate numeric(5)

    declare @vat numeric(3)

    declare @delivno varchar(15)

    declare @docno varchar(15)

    declare cursor_sample cursor for

    SELECT T1.[ItemCode],T1.[Dscription], T1.[U_MfrName], T1.[Quantity], T1.[PriceBefDi], T1.[VatPrcnt],T1.[BaseDocNum],T0.[DocNum] FROM OINV T0 INNER JOIN INV1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry WHERE T0.DocNum =[%0]

    open cursor_sample

    FETCH NEXT from cursor_sample into @ItemNo,@ItemName,@MfrName,@Quantity,@Rate,@vat,@delivno,@docno

    while @@FETCH_STATUS=0


    insert into @sampletab1

    SELECT distinct T1.[BatchNum] FROM IBT1 T1 WHERE T1.BaseNum=@delivno or T1.BaseNum=@docno

    insert into @sampletab2

    SELECT distinct T0.ExpDate FROM OIBT T0 Where T0.ItemCode = @ItemNo and T0.BatchNum=@Batchno

    insert into @sampletab

    select @ItemName,@MfrName,@Batchno,@Exprdate,@Quantity,@Rate,@Vat

    FETCH NEXT from cursor_sample into @ItemNo,@ItemName,@MfrName,@Quantity,@Rate,@vat,@delivno,@docno


    close cursor_sample

    deallocate cursor_sample

    select * from @sampletab

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