Query Problem selecting records

  • Hi

    I need to get info from three tables

    I need last course client attended for all clients, result should show course id and date id and client id in any particular order.

    But only want one date and course for each user.

    Course Details

    Course ID

    Course Bookings

    Course Code

    Course Date

    client ID

    client details

    Client ID

    Client Details

    I need this to work in MS SQL SERVER 2000

    Any Help MUCH Appreciated


  • What are the schemas for the three tables?  What are the unique/primary constraints for these tables?

    Russel Loski, MCSD

    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • Course Details

    Auto number             Course ID    Primary Key

    Course Bookings

    auto number             course_client_code primary key

    long integer              Course Code

    date                        Course Date

    long integer               client ID

    client details

    auto number              Client ID    primary key

    string                       Client Details



    if you need anymore info email me on abu_bakar_ayub@hotmail.com


  • What is [Course Code], is it meant to be [Course ID], if so then

    SELECT [Client ID],[Course Date],[Course ID]

    FROM [Course Bookings] b

    INNER JOIN (SELECT [Client ID],MAX([Course Date]) AS [Course Date]

     FROM [Course Bookings]

     GROUP BY [Client ID]) a

    ON b.[Client ID] = a.[Client ID]

    AND b.[Course Date] = a.[Course Date]

    Can a Client be booked on more than one course for a Course Date?

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • yes they can but wont be.

    will this work on MS SQL SERVER 2000?

    Thanks for the help!!!! Much appreciated

  • quotewill this work on MS SQL SERVER 2000?

    Yes, but change the first SELECT to

    SELECT b.[Client ID],b.[Course Date],b.[Course ID]

    (error in my original post)

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • what about the second select is it coming from table b?


    or a new table a?



  • No you only need to change the first one. The second select is a derived table (subquery) which I happended to call a.

    The query should have been

    SELECT b.[Client ID],b.[Course Date],b.[Course ID]

    FROM [Course Bookings] b

    INNER JOIN (SELECT [Client ID],MAX([Course Date]) AS [Course Date]

     FROM [Course Bookings]

     GROUP BY [Client ID]) a

    ON b.[Client ID] = a.[Client ID]

    AND b.[Course Date] = a.[Course Date]

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • sorry to keep bothering you.


    Getting an error

    "ADO error:  Invalid Column Name 'Course Date'

    statement(s) could not be prepared.

    deferred prepare could not be completed."


    Checked to make sure spelling is correct



  • The query worked for me when I create a test table.

    Unless the data is sensitive, can u post the result of the following query in QA (including the headings)

    SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [Course Bookings]

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • i made the mistake of not putting the display name in on the last bit.

    SELECT b.[Client ID],b.[Course Date],b.[Course ID]

    FROM [Course Bookings] b

    INNER JOIN (SELECT [Client ID],MAX([Course Date]) AS [Course Date 1]

     FROM [Course Bookings]

     GROUP BY [Client ID]) a

    ON b.[Client ID] = a.[Client ID]

    AND b.[Course Date] = a.[Course Date 1]


    thank you David for All your help!!!!!


  • Cancel Request Figured it out by my self


    What if the tables were slightly different


    Course Details

    Course ID

    Course Date

    Course Bookings

    Course Code

    client ID

    client details

    Client ID

    Client Details


    would it still be the same ?



  • Just for reference, two possibilities

    SELECT b.[Client ID],b.[Course ID],d.[Course Date]

    FROM [Course Bookings] b

    INNER JOIN [Course Details] d

      ON d.[Course ID] = b.[Course ID]

    WHERE b.[Course ID] IN (SELECT TOP 1 cb.[Course ID]

    FROM [Course Bookings] cb

    INNER JOIN [Course Details] cd

    ON cd.[Course ID] = cb.[Course ID]

    WHERE cb.[Client ID] = b.[Client ID]

    ORDER BY cd.[Course Date] DESC)

    SELECT b.[Client ID],b.[Course ID],d.[Course Date]

    FROM [Course Bookings] b

    INNER JOIN [Course Details] d

      ON d.[Course ID] = b.[Course ID]

    INNER JOIN (SELECT cb.[Client ID],MAX(cd.[Course Date]) AS [Course Date]

     FROM [Course Bookings] cb

     INNER JOIN [Course Details] cd

       ON cd.[Course ID] = cb.[Course ID]

     GROUP BY cb.[Client ID]) a

    ON a.[Client ID] = b.[Client ID]

    AND a.[Course Date] = d.[Course Date]

    depending on performance


    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • select clientid, coursedate, max([course code]) coursecode

    from [course bookings] b,

    (           SELECT     [client id] clientid, MAX([course date]) coursedate

                FROM        dbo.[course bookings]

                GROUP BY  [client id]

    ) as d

    where d.clientid = b.[client id] and d.coursedate = b.[course date]

    group by clientid, coursedate

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