query problem (group by)

  • I have tables like:

    username         userType

    user1               A

    user2               A

    user3               B

    user4               C

    I want one signle query to return

    userType          userCount            percent

    A                        2                      50%

    B                         1                      25%

    C                          1                     25%


    can anyone help me ?



  • Hi,

    use this query. It will help you to find out the desired result :

    Select usertype,count(*) userCount ,

    (count(*) * 100 / (select count(*) from table_a)&nbsp [percent]

    from table_a

    group by   usertype


    Amit Gupta    

  • Hi, Amit.  Nice clean solution.  The only issue you might run into is making the [precentage] a decimal.

    (count(*) * 100 / cast((select count(*) from table_a) as decimal(5,2)) [percent]


    "If you don't take the time to do it right, when are you going to find the time to do it over?"

  • thank you all for so quick reponse.

    one more question, if the table is not so simple, it's a big query

    is there any way to avoid repeating the query in the child query?

    just like:

    Select usertype,count(*) as userCount ,

    (count(*) * 100 / (select count(*) from temp_table)  [percent]


    (select usertype, xxx,xxx, from table1

    inner join table1



    group by  usertype) as some temp_table

    I just dont' want to repeat the huge query twice, any ideas?



  • quoteis there any way to avoid repeating the query in the child query

    Only by using a temp table, either

    Extract the detail to a temp table

    Save the @@ROWCOUNT value

    Summarise the temp table and use the saved @@ROWCOUNT value

    Extract the COUNT(*) summary into temp table

    Sum the COUNT values into a variable

    SELECT from the temp table and use the variable

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