Query Problem

  • Sorry the following query i put in MS ACCESS Section in this forum, but i didn't get any proper reply please see this.....

    I am executing the following query for deleting duplicate records from a table

    Delete from TAB_Ex where not ID=(Select Max(ID) from TAB_Ex T where T.Name=TAB_Ex.Name)

    In the above query TAB_Ex is the table name, ID is Autonumber (Unique id) and Name represents Chat field which is having duplicate entries

    My problem is when i am executing this query, it is taking around 10 minutes to complete the query execution in MS Access

    But when i run the same qury in SQL Server2000 there is no problem.

    The table contains around 12000 records and out of 4000 records are duplicate

    what could be the reason?

    Is there any other alternatives for deleting duplicate records in ACESS/SQL SERVER ?

  • I hate access and think it is a form of a virus, however....

    You might try forming a temporary table of of the list of duplicates then deleting them all at once. A lot of things in Access seem to get slower as the queries get complex, whereas SQL has a much better optimizer.

  • Sqlserver is an advanced database engine !

    Access is one of the ancestors. If you want to optimize it you can try to apply the same guidelines you would use with sqlserver, but you will encounter issues where you'll have to use an other approach to solve them.

    In this case, maybe a materialised "temp"-table with the max for each id can solve the problem.


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  • Access is a wonderfull client application! (far superior to VB6). BUT there are loads of problems with queries on tables linked to SQL Server - some bugs in the drivers I guess. But the easy way out of your problem is to run the query as a pass thru!


  • Now there a litle bell ringing somewhere...

    I didn't realize you were using linked tables from access to sqlserver. In that case, access usualy will try to solve the query by itself (parsing and execution).

    Like alphaindex mentioned, run it as pass thru.


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