Query Problem

  • select distinct AccountNumber,





    from tbl_BillingMaster INNER JOIN tbl_PerformedProcedure

    on tbl_BillingMaster.PatientPrimaryKey=tbl_PerformedProcedure.PatientPrimaryKey and billingcoveredfromdate BETWEEN '2003-01-01' and '2003-12-31'

    compute sum(OriginalBilledAmount)

    I have a db that does not make a lot of since and looks like it was poorly written so any help would be appreciated. When I write the above statment with out the last two col.in the select list I get 3252 rows and when I run the statement above I get 4723 rows.


  • Consider you are doing distinct on you output so by themselves




    You get 3252 but when you add in



    You will of course have more potentials for differences should accoutn for that.

    If you remove distinct they should be the same either way.

    If there is a reason for distinct please explain what you are wanting.

  • Thanks, to be more specific I am trying to get the total sum billed, 1 statment time I get 9.4 mil. when I add two add two col. I get 12.5 millon.

  • I started with this and rec. dubs., so I added the distinct and the join in order to get rid of them maybe I am going about it a little wrong? 

    select AccountNumber,originalBilledAmount

    from tbl_BillingMaster INNER JOIN tbl_PerformedProcedure

    on tbl_BillingMaster.PatientPrimaryKey=tbl_PerformedProcedure.PatientPrimaryKey and   billingcoveredfromdate BETWEEN '2003-01-01' and '2003-12-31'

    compute sum(OriginalBilledAmount)

    AccountNumber      OriginalBilledAmount

    19170                  1600.0

    19170                  1600.0

    34701                  4006.0

    34701                  4006.0


  • Looks like you getting some form of record mutliplication because of flag field that needs to be in the join condition? But it might also be because one of the tables is double entry as in start record stop record or billed record  paid record.  Its hard to tell with out a little better explanation of the relation between the tables and better description of what data is in the tables.

    Peter Evans (__PETER Peter_)


  • Yes, as Peter rightly mentioned, the relationships between the tables and the data storage in the tables would help analyze the issue.


    Prasad Bhogadi

  • Try dividing your billed amount by the number of procedure records...

    Select   t1.AccountNumber

                    , t1.originalBilledAmount / t3.ProcRecords As AdjBilledAmt

                    , tbl_PerformedProcedure.PatientPrimaryKey

                    , PhysicianID

                    , t2.cptcode

    From  tbl_BillingMaster t1

    Inner Join tbl_PerformedProcedure t2

      On  t1.PatientPrimaryKey = t2.PatientPrimaryKey

    Inner Join 


     Select  AccountNumber

       , Cast(Count(*) As decimal(9,2)) As ProcRecords

     From  tbl_BillingMaster  t1

     Inner Join tbl_PerformedProcedure  t2

       On  t1.PatientPrimaryKey = t2.PatientPrimaryKey

     Where  billingcoveredfromdate Between '2003-01-01' And '2003-12-31'

    &nbsp As t3

      On  t1.AccountNumber = t3.AccountNumber

    ... then do your sum on the calculated field AdjBilledAmt


  • SOUNDS LIKE YOU GUYS ARE HEADED IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. Looks like this is where the problem lies. heres a sample. of one patient.

    SELECT Facility,PatientPrimaryKey,ServiceCode,DateOfService,description

    FROM tbl_PerformedProcedure where PatientPrimaryKey = 4

    Facility PatientPrimaryKey ServiceCode DateOfService                                          Description                                                                                         

    -------- ----------------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    99       4                 wrstcarp    2001-07-17 00:00:00                                    carpal tunnel release

    99       4                 Catphaco    2001-07-17 00:00:00                                    Cataract Extraction with phaco and insertion of IOL

    99       4                 Catphaco    2001-07-24 00:00:00                                    Cataract Extraction with phaco and insertion of IOL

    99       4                 breastbx    2001-07-19 00:00:00                                    breast biopsy

    99       4                 breastbx    2001-07-26 00:00:00                                    breast biopsy

    99       4                 breastbx    2001-07-31 00:00:00                                    breast biopsy

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