Query perfomance Issue

  • I made a Stored Procedure as Process with Table Index but when I Executed it on my Local PC it takes 50 Second for 27000 Records Process but while execute on Database Server it takes 18 Minutes. why ?

    can anybody help me .

    Thanks in Advance.

  • system configuration?

    kshitij kumar

  • Please see this article


    Clear Sky SQL
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  • Check the indexes and their fragmentation levels. if they are identical then there should not me more difference.


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  • Nagesh S-432384 (5/14/2010)

    Check the indexes and their fragmentation levels. if they are identical then there should not me more difference.


    Could be a hundred other things. Need DDL and execution plans to provide any advice.

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • imran_ghainsh (5/14/2010)

    I made a Stored Procedure as Process with Table Index but when I Executed it on my Local PC it takes 50 Second for 27000 Records Process but while execute on Database Server it takes 18 Minutes. why ?

    can anybody help me .

    Thanks in Advance.

    You need to optimize ur stored procedure as 50 seconds is longer.

    check the logic where you are using in join or in where condition.

    Please see the execution plan for that and find the fragmentation for the indexs ,

    and do the necessary step to reorganize/rebuild indexs.

    Update statistics as well check the database configuration.

    Paresh Prajapati
    ➡ +919924626601
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  • Dear but I have Made already Index on Database Server.

    Same structure is working Fine on Local PC except Database Server.


  • As Dave Ballantyne said, if you can provide sql query and execution plans from both the servers then it will be helpful provide any advice.


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