query output to text files for each person

  • hi guys

    I've another question. How do i create individual text files for each person who has his notes field larger than 1000 chars?

    DECLARE @cmd VARCHAR(5000)


    SET @cmd = 'OSQL -S support_svr1 -d NCLREMOTE_SP6D '

        + ' -U sa -P seaward'

        + ' -Q "select notes from person where len(notes) > 1000"'

        + ' -o c:\Notes.txt'


    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd, NO_OUTPUT


  • You can probably use Cursor, but again that will be very expensive

    on performance part  or else try using XML output.


    Kindest Regards,

    Sameer Raval [Sql Server DBA]
    Geico Insurance

  • Not quite a cursor and somewhat serial a solution (but still some of the glory of a set based solution):

    Run a query to create a separate OSQL (or BCP) command line for each DOS file you want created:

    select 'osql -S.... -Q"select textfield from sourcetable where id = '

           + convert(varchar(10), id )

           + '" ... -ofilename_' + username + '.txt'

      INTO ##tempbatch

      FROM sourcetable

     WHERE datalenghth( columnname ) > 1000 

    Then export that as a batch file using BCP or osql (with xp_cmdshell):

    exec xp_cmdshell 'BCP tempdb..##tempbatch OUT c:\temp\tempbatch.bat -S...'  

    Then run it as dos batch:

    exec xp_cmdshell 'call c:\temp\tempbatch.bat '  

    ...and that can all be done with one stored proc call.


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