Query Optimization

  • Hi everyone,

    I have a query that takes about 13 minutes to execute and I was wondering if I could optimize this query so it's faster.

    Here it is now:

    INSERT Contacts(compID, first, last, phone, email)

    SELECT compID, fname, lname, phone, email

    FROM import_contact


    FROM Contacts C, import_contact ic

    WHERE c.compID = ic.compID

    AND c.first = ic.fname

    AND c.last = ic.lname) = 0

    I'm trying to insert a new record to a contacts table from an import table if it doesn't already exist.

    (The contacts table has about 500,000 records)

    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


  • INSERT dbo.Contacts(compID, first, last, phone, email)

    SELECT compID, fname, lname, phone, email

    FROM dbo.import_contact IC

    WHERE not exists (Select * from dbo.Contacts C where c.compID = ic.compID AND c.first = ic.fname AND c.last = ic.lname)

  • Thank you Remi,

    This query runs instantly, the only problem is it gives me a different record set. It finds more records to be inserted.

    It may be because my old query was wrong, but I can't see why.

    I tried this query:

    INSERT Contacts(compID, first, last, phone, email)

    SELECT compID, fname, lname, phone, email

    FROM import_contact IC

    WHERE not exists (select C.contactID

    from Contact c, import_contact ic

    WHERE C.compID = ic.compID

    AND c.first = ic.fname

    AND c.last = ic.lname)

    and it gives me a lower record set and it also takes much longer than your suggestion. I'm just tried to understand why, it seems like it's because it has to do a join for every record I check...

    Does that make sense?

  • you are not linking the exists with the outer table!

    INSERT Contacts(compID, first, last, phone, email)

    SELECT compID, fname, lname, phone, email

    FROM import_contact IC

    WHERE not exists (select C.contactID

    from Contact c, import_contact ic

    WHERE C.compID = ic.compID

    AND c.first = ic.fname

    AND c.last = ic.lname)

    in that case the ic is scoped to the inner table !! you must use what Remi posted "as is" and do not introduce the second "import_contact" table

    INSERT dbo.Contacts(compID, first, last, phone, email)

    SELECT compID, fname, lname, phone, email

    FROM dbo.import_contact IC

    WHERE not exists (Select * from dbo.Contacts C where c.compID = ic.compID AND c.first = ic.fname AND c.last = ic.lname)


    * Noel

  • Thanks guys for all your help.

    I see the error of my ways now.



  • How long does it take to run the query now?

  • one second! It's great!

    It's a part of a SPROC that has about 10 other queries so time is everything.

    Thanks again!

  • This version uses the SQL92 "outer join" construct. It still resolves to the same thing as whar Remy wrote. 

    INSERT dbo.Contacts(compID, first, last, phone, email)

    SELECT ic.compID, ic.fname, ic.lname, ic.phone, ic.email

    FROM dbo.import_contact ic Left outer Join dbo.Contacts c ON c.compID = ic.compID AND c.first = ic.fname AND c.last = ic.lname WHERE C.compID is null



    Kindest Regards,

    Habib Zmerli (MVP)

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