Query Optimization

  • I've had great help on this forum in the past, Thanks to everyone who has contributed in the past to my solutions.

    I have a query that is taking minutes to run and I'm wondering what and if i can do anything to speed it up.

    Unfortunatly i have no ability to create or modify indexes and have no input on how the tables are being created.

    Here is the query





    From Transaction Tr --22 Million Records, Clustered Index on Time,

    --Non Clustered Grouped Index on WidgetId and Time

    Join Widgets wdg

    On Tr.Widgetid = wdg.Widgetid

    And Tr.Time = (Select

    TOP 1 Max(Receivedts)

    From Transaction

    Where Widgetid = wdg.Widgetid


    Where Tr.WidgetType in (1,2)

    And Tr.Action Not In(1,2,3,4,5)

    Group By




    Any help on this would be much appreciated. Thanks

  • Do you know all the actions? Can you change that to an "IN" instead of a "NOT IN"

  • You are using GROUP BY but have no aggregate funcitons in your select statement.

    If you are doing this to remove duplicates, then try using

    ROW_NUMBER() instead.

  • The DISTINCT keyword is the same as a group by with no aggregates. I don't know if it's faster or not.

  • Thanks for the initial suggestions everyone.

    I tried removing the group by, and using an In instead of a Not in, isn't an option. I don't know all the actions, just with actions to not include.

    The performance is still in the minutes.

    I'm still open to any other suggestions..


  • Have you tried getting rid of the correlated sub-query? That's bound to be hurting you.





    From Transaction Tr --22 Million Records, Clustered Index on Time,

    --Non Clustered Grouped Index on WidgetId and Time

    Join Widgets wdg

    On Tr.Widgetid = wdg.Widgetid

    join (select widgetID, Max(Receivedts) as latest

    From Transaction

    group by widgetID) currentTran

    on wdg.widgetID=currentTran.widgetID

    and tr.time=currentTan.latest

    Where Tr.WidgetType in (1,2)

    And Tr.Action Not In(1,2,3,4,5)

    Group By




    Of course - I'm guessing you're table-scanning on 22M rows, so your optimization choices might be limited.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • this part of the code could be fixed up

    And Tr.Time = (Select

    TOP 1 Max(Receivedts)

    From Transaction

    Where Widgetid = wdg.Widgetid


    You shouldn't need to select TOP 1 and Max

    Post some DDLs and sample data and we could offer some more help.

    Why can't you create indexes?

  • In addition to the DDL and sample data, show us what the result set should look like based on the sample data.

    I'm a little confused by the correlated subquery back into the Transaction table.

  • Is it not possible to replace not in (1,2,3,4,5) with >= 6?

    Also, the in is the same as the OR operator: =1 OR = 2 OR = 3 etc.

    So you can try replacing the 'IN' with a UNION. I have found that a UNION can sometimes be faster than using IN.

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