Query on "execute" permissions for the system xp_xxxxxx stored procedures?

  • Hello,

    Pardon my ignorance ...I can't seem to find a script to query this case?

    i'm sure it's somewhere on sqlservercentral

    Thx again


  • is this what you want?

    SELECT replace(state_desc,'_with_grant_option','') + ' '+ permission_name + ' ON ['

    + OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(major_id) + '].[' + OBJECT_NAME(major_id) + ']'+

    case minor_id

    when 0 then ' '


    ' (['+col_name(sys.database_permissions.major_Id, sys.database_permissions.minor_id) + '])'


    +' TO [' + USER_NAME(grantee_principal_id)+']' +


    when state_desc like '%with_grant_option' then ' with grant option'


    ' '


    as '-- object/column permissions'

    FROM sys.database_permissions (NOLOCK)

    WHERE class not in (0,3) and major_id = ISNULL(OBJECT_ID(@as_ObjectName), major_id)

    ORDER BY USER_NAME(grantee_principal_id),OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(major_id), OBJECT_NAME(major_id)

    if not may get you started


  • thanks for that ! i'm on 2005

    Although giving me an error

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 16

    Must declare the scalar variable "@as_ObjectName".

  • sorry, that was a section of a larger script, add

    declare @as_ObjectName sysname

    set @as_ObjectName = NULL


  • Thank you very much ..works perfectly now !

    I may need more help some other queries

  • I need more help in determining more server level permissions

    1- list of users that have the 'ALTER SETTINGS' level permission

    2- list of users that have the 'CONTROL SERVER' level permission

    Any help with this query would be much appreciated

    thx !

  • what have you tried?

    googling 'script server level permissions' returns quite a few options.

    this looks quite good


  • I've actually tried that 2nd script but it doesn't return anyone with either server permission even when commenting the

    WHERE server_principals.type IN ( 'S', 'U', 'G' )

    , is that normal?

  • sorry, I've tried the script and it returns those two permissions for me. Have those rights been granted to anyone in your setup?


  • That's strange.... thanks anyways for the tips, much appreciated.

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